McCaskill: ‘I Don’t Have to Answer’ Kavanaugh Question – IOTW Report

McCaskill: ‘I Don’t Have to Answer’ Kavanaugh Question

WFB: Missouri senator Claire McCaskill (D.) dismissed a voter’s question on whether she will vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

McCaskill was asked during a Monday event with students at Truman State University what she would do if she “had to vote right now” on Kavanaugh’s nomination. But she quickly sidestepped the question, saying, “Since I don’t have to, I don’t have to answer that question.”

“You’re not going to get me to answer that question today,” McCaskill continued.

McCaskill’s reluctance to answer questions is indicative of the difficult political situation she’s found herself in, needing to choose between pleasing the resistance-focused base by opposing a nominee she’s acknowledged is “qualified” for the Supreme Court and crossing party leadership, which has made stopping Kavanaugh’s confirmation a top priority.

Also at risk is McCaskill’s image as a straight-shooter. In 2006, during her first run for Senate, McCaskill said she couldn’t imagine not being willing to answer a voter’s question if she were elected, calling it her “obligation as an elected official.”


3 Comments on McCaskill: ‘I Don’t Have to Answer’ Kavanaugh Question

  1. “In 2006, during her first run for Senate, McCaskill said she couldn’t imagine not being willing to answer a voter’s question if she were elected, calling it her “obligation as an elected official.”


    Remember when Obama was first running for President and he said he was willing to forego family life, leisure time, and vacations if he got the job?

    Sorry ass Democrat politicians will say anything to get elected.


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