McCaskill: Sure Hillary targets her husband’s accusers, but it’s ok because she’s done so much for women – IOTW Report

McCaskill: Sure Hillary targets her husband’s accusers, but it’s ok because she’s done so much for women

claire mccaskill


War on Women

Hillary Clinton has a long, storied, career of attacking women who dare speak of her husband’s predilections.  It didn’t matter if they were accusing Bill of outright rape, or something less severe like an affair. Hillary was always eager to pounce.  Whether she was calling them bimbos or actually threatening them, Hillary did what she could to silence, discredit, or destroy Bill’s alleged victims.

After all, nothing could be allowed to damage the coattails she was riding.

I guess, in an evil, Machiavellian sort of way, that makes sense.  But how do the oh-so-pious feminists who make up the Democrat party justify their support of the Clinton machine?  Shouldn’t they be outraged?

They might be, if they had an honor or dignity.

Since they don’t, they offer statements like the one Clair McCaskill made this weekend on Fox News Sunday:

10 Comments on McCaskill: Sure Hillary targets her husband’s accusers, but it’s ok because she’s done so much for women

  1. Denial.
    Stockholm Syndrome.
    Bowing to the Clinton Mafia ‘Don’.
    Scared to death that Clinton’s will retaliate, if she does not sing their praises.
    Oh my, Clintons have her dirty laundry and she doesn’t want it exposed.

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