McCaul: Beating Russia ‘shouldn’t take so long,’ slow Biden response ‘what Putin wants’ – IOTW Report

McCaul: Beating Russia ‘shouldn’t take so long,’ slow Biden response ‘what Putin wants’

Do you see what you get when you let machines count your votes?

JTN: House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul said defeating Russia in Ukraine “shouldn’t take so long,” and the Biden administration’s slow response is “precisely” what Russian President Vladimir Putin wants.

McCaul, a Texas Republican who led a congressional delegation last week to Kyiv, said Sunday on ABC News’ “This Week” the administration has pledged to support Ukraine for “as long as it takes,” but the war should not have gone on for so long.

“I think, with the right weapons, it shouldn’t take so long,” he said. “This whole thing is taking too long, and it really didn’t have to happen this way.”

McCaul said he spoke with top military officials in Ukraine about what they needed to win the war. more

56 Comments on McCaul: Beating Russia ‘shouldn’t take so long,’ slow Biden response ‘what Putin wants’

  1. I’m thinking this guy is the reincarnation of the cantor, Ryan RINO wing of the party.


    I want nothing to do with European wars anymore. I don’t care. Leave us out of your turf wars.

    That Biden wishes us into such a conflict is proof enough for me to say hell no.

  2. “McCaul said he spoke with top military officials in Ukraine about what they needed to win the war.”

    A bullet in the back of Zelensky’s head (and putting sober adults in charge) might end the war, but they will never WIN the war.

    With so much shit going on everywhere, the only real victories worth celebrating are those being won in Florida.

    ht tps://

    Making Disney suffer is motivation enough.

  3. Schmucks like this are through and through both elected and bureaucratic apparatus. All levels of government too.

    Tech companies, led by Twitter are laying off scads of folks just about this guy’s quality. Government at all levels ought to take this opportunity and do so as well.

    I’m guessing McCaul knows just about nada of what Russia is, any of its history over the past five hundred years (the more recent history). He probably just knows propaganda from the break in Russian history represented with the communist takeover to their expulsion from power. Now let’s discuss the history between Russia and the area we call Ukraine over the same time frame with the same consideration for the break when the communists took over.

  4. Loco- Unfortunately, they still don’t know how much soaking the surrounding counties are going to take from the debts. That’s why I said to wait and see.

    BTW, who the fuck was it trying to let Disney build a nuclear power plant???? LMAO.

  5. One thing that is certain MJA, Big Corp will think twice before trying to weigh in on legislation in Florida.

    PS, I wasn’t arguing with you, I said that the poster in the thread was wrong.
    He wrote:

    “I believe Ron in fact capitulated for a different reason. DISNEY has a very good, well paid, team of lawyers. Had Ron actually striped them of their tax break DISNEY would be in many courts with many suits! DISNEY HAS NOT FILED ONE SUIT! They won, Ron reneged!”

    That was not true. Others on the site attacked me and said I was wrong.
    That is why I used the term vindication.
    If we can’t be honest here, what are we doing?

  6. According to the YouTube clip that I posted in and above comment, the bill that Ron signed puts 100% of the municipal debt on Disney, the taxpayers will not be responsible for any of it.

  7. “Big Corp will think twice before trying to weigh in on legislation in Florida.”

    THAT. Right there. And I thought (can’t think of the lawyer chick’s name right now) was just being bitchy when she said Disney can use it against the state of Florida, but she was right. Disney can come back at DeSantis in several lawsuits (law passed and signed) and force a TRO because DeSantis keeps bringing up he did this because he didn’t like that Disney went against him for the “don’t say ghey” bill, etc.

    Which means they’ll take the state to federal court and so on and so forth over the state being vindictive and whatever. There’s a law term for it but don’t remember. lol.

    DeSantis should have had better PR than that.
    He is right, Disney is assho and their swamps are crawling with gators that keep snatching children, but this opens up Disney to take him to court.
    They couldn’t do it before the bill was signed.

  8. Ultimately, no matter the reasons for the actions taken, Disney will have a status that Universal, Sea World, LegoLand, Busch Gardens, or any other corporation in Florida have OR THEY WON’T.
    They get special treatment & can make their own rules or not.
    Lawsuits be damned.

    Like Tucker said earlier tonight, Disney was like the Vatican in Italy.
    Do you think that will hold up?

    How many Floridians knew this?
    BTW, Orlando voted overwhelmingly for DeSantis.

    Also, do you think Disney WANTS a lawsuit headache?
    If the CEO Bob Chapek could go back and NOT weigh in, would he?
    Of course he would, he lost his cushy job because of it.
    Ron did not capitulate.
    Disney being a big employer has power and deserves a say but they were not elected to statewide office.

  9. DeSantis and Pence both skipping CPAC. Trump to give keynote address. Looks those two aren’t quite ready for prime time. DeSantis has not yet declared but he released an ad today that can only be a campaign ad. The establishment rinos are clearly lining up. The no good TRAITOROUS BASTARDS!!!

  10. Here is what started all this:
    Florida legislation was put forth for parental rights in education.
    MSM & dems called it the “don’t say gay” bill.
    Intentionally misrepresenting the fact that it was to prohibit 5-9 yr olds from being taught oral sex among other things.
    Disney was coerced by the left-wing mob to weigh in.
    Disney said “don’t worry, we will get this repealed.”
    Pretty fucking arrogant and pretty telling that Disney felt so comfortable that they could say this without repercussions.
    Disney being unelected was going to control legislation?
    Floridian’s saw this and DeSantis noticed this and responded pretty much the way Trump would.
    Points out the fact that Disney has a special deal others don’t get.
    No equity, Batman.
    Shots fired!
    Voters cheered.
    Disney CEO lost his job.
    Other companies noticed that there is a new Sheriff in a town where woke goes to die.
    DeSantis charts a path to the White House.

  11. “Do you think Disney WANTS a lawsuit headache?”

    Short answer- Yeah. And they’ll get help, because the left is stupid. lol.

    I hope the AG is prepared because I’m guessing Disney may have an opening to claw some of their losses back because of big meanies saying vindictive things. [Even if Florida has the right to amend and repeal shit].

    Tax payers always get the short end of the shit covered stick


    Here’s what I was talking about:

  12. LocoBlancoSaltine- But people still go there.
    It’s like how everyone hates the NFL yet they still watch. Sure, it’s less people, but they still make a lot of money.

    You know who no politician in Florida will touch though?
    The Fanjul Brothers.
    You’ll end up a scarecrow in a sugar cane field.

    Sweet dreams.

  13. Loco, that was last year. Yes, he was good there. He was running for Governor, he won, he should serve his term! He should recognize that our country is at a critical junction. Dividing the party right now is a scheme designed by those that want a New World Order. I don’t want a New World Order! I want to Make America Great Again. I see one man that can lead us that direction. DeSantis would do himself and our country well by aligning himself with a Patriot instead of being a WEF, NWO puppet!

  14. You can say it until you are blue in the face, fact is Soros fears DeSantis, who attacks Soros & his DA’s on a daily basis.
    DeSantis is the antithesis of Soros, and Soros will do anything to keep DeSantis out of power.
    That is irrefutable but keep trying sport, I’m sure some low IQ’s will buy your BS.
    Oddly enough you don’t want to post anything backing up your BS?
    Oh right, it’s not odd, you simply can’t, it doesn’t exist.

  15. Loco, it’s his role right now to blast the WEF, they are fine with it. They expect it. And everyone is impressed with the great job he’s done in Florida. If he keeps up the awesome job for the rest of his term he will be in the drivers seat in 2928.

  16. It also amazes me that people come on this site and tell bald face lies just because they dislike me.
    It’s like their credibility doesn’t have any value.
    Ready to toss it aside to make a false point that only a moron would believe.
    People know you are lying, full of shit yet you persist.
    Credibility is priceless.
    So glad I’m not like them.

  17. I do SO LOVE a good conspiracy theory.
    Moon Landing
    9/11- WTC7
    DeSantis is a Soros plant, WEF, NWO shill, Manchurian Candidate.

    Honestly, how do you guys sleep at night?
    Surely the bogeyman is at the gates?
    Sorry so smug but you guys make it apparent that I’m not really loco after all…

  18. joe6, you said the RDS was “not ready for prime time” yet the man obviously could speak there if he wanted to since he killed it at CPAC last year.
    The petty slams on DeSantis are ridiculous and show desperation.

    BTW, I’m not “falling back” on anything.
    Can’t you at least be honest?
    All I want is honesty.
    Billy Joel was right…

  19. One more thing about Disney and it is irrefutable:

    If CEO Bob Chapek had stood up to the woke mob they would have folded like a cheap suit.
    He would likely still have his job paying him millions, Disney would still have Vatican status, DeSantis would have still been re-elected.

    Instead he didn’t have the balls so he left DeSantis no choice.

    Lesson learned:
    Stand up to the woke mob. ALWAYS.
    How Trumpian!

  20. True to my word, I’m not done…
    Sure, RDS could have done some back-door conversations with Disney to counteract this but the capitol he gained by taking on the woke corporations, and let’s face it, Disney was peaking woke at the time, was priceless.

    I believe DeSantis talks in his book about Chapek calling him begging about being under pressure by the woke mobs.

    An honest conservative would have cheered Trump for this very thing.
    Alas, DeSantis is out-Trumping Trump so he is the enemy.
    Sigh, we deserve to lose.
    And we will…

  21. putin has already been defeated, he’s just to dumb to know it.
    and, if we’re lucky, putin will pull a hitler and have one of his minions off him, torch his remains and feed it to the pigs.

  22. Putin and Russia are fine.
    The real problem is the 2020 steal hasn’t been fixed.
    Instead ya’ll got Fauccied. Fools.

    Remember the Bushes gave us Barry and friends
    And Ron barely beat Gillum in Florida.
    Because Trump helped him.
    And Disney is at 100.14 Ya Ronnie’s taking them down hahahahahah
    Carry on.

  23. Inigo Montoya: Thanks for trying to get this thread back on topic. Getting real tired of a few here that hijack every thread and turn it into their own personal Ron vs Don pissing match.

  24. @loco

    “If CEO Bob Chapek had stood up to the woke mob they would have folded like a cheap suit.
    He would likely still have his job paying him millions, Disney would still have Vatican status, DeSantis would have still been re-elected.:

    In his book, released today, Ron mentions a phone call. Chapek called the governor and was distraught. Chapek did NOT want Disney to get involved but the pressure in house (with his employees) was unprecedented. Ron told him to suck it up, that he was CEO, that the company’s exposure to China would surface if he enters the fray, and that a deft hand applied with a show of leadership could save his company. He did not listen.

    Igor, even more woke than Chepak, would not have blundered into this minefield.


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