McConnell Approval Rating at 18% – IOTW Report

McConnell Approval Rating at 18%

AG: Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is deeply unpopular with Americans of all political affiliations, as just 18 percent of the country finds him “favorable,” according to a YouGov/Economist poll, while colleagues on Capitol Hill are reportedly “alarmed” over “how much [he] has aged.”

The poll, published Wednesday, shows that only three percent of Americans find him “very favorable,” while 15 percent of all respondents find him “somewhat favorable.” 

Conversely, 60 percent of Americans hold unfavorable views of McConnell, and a plurality of 42 percent have “very unfavorable” perceptions. In other words, his rating is 42 points underwater.  more here

26 Comments on McConnell Approval Rating at 18%

  1. The only approval poll he cares about is for reelection, and he received in the neighborhood of 80% in his last primary. The Kentucky voters had better do some self-examination. Fat chance.

  2. Polls don’t mean shit.
    Sooner or later he’s just going to drop dead.

    “If his mother hadn’t died in childbirth, she’d’a died of shame.”

    He’s a filthy traitor – and he knows it – his constituency must be morons.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. all these RINO’s are the fault of the Republican Party. they keep foisting them on repubs & independent conservatives, & as voters exercising their Constitutional responsibilities, they can’t stomach the prospect of a D’rat in office, so they vote for the repubasshole.

    the RNC believes they have us over a barrel … & until things change, we are.
    what? don’t vote? …. truth is, we should rebel & organize massive write-in campaigns until they give us candidates that work for the People

    BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHhahahahahahaa ….. oh, who am I kidding?

  4. manbearpig AT 9:05 PM
    “The only approval poll he cares about is for reelection, and he received in the neighborhood of 80% in his last primary.”

    Why, ‘deed he DID! Thanks for noticing!


  5. He’s been voted “The Best Politician Money Can Buy” twice, already!

    Just edged ahead of Pelosi, Biden, Clinton, McCarthy, Waters, Feinstein, Mittens, Schitt, Nadler, Pritzker, That Pervert in Oregon, and some others.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Repeal the 17th Amendment and bring back the “Separation of Powers.”
    The Senate was never intended to be a glorified House.
    The Several States lost a great deal of power after the passage of the 17th (and the 16th) and America was set on the Road to Perdition.
    Nothing but shit came out of the early 1900s (politically).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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