McConnell Backs Trump on Chain-Migration, Ditches Sen. Flake – IOTW Report

McConnell Backs Trump on Chain-Migration, Ditches Sen. Flake

Breitbart:    Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell suggested Tuesday he will only bring an immigration bill to the Senate floor if it matches President Donald Trump’s immigration policies.

The proposed re-alignment with Trump and his populist supporters was included in a Wednesday statement by McConnell, and undercut retiring GOP Sen. Jeff Flake’s claim on early Wednesday that McConnell had agreed to an amnesty vote in January.  Read more here.




SNIP: Look at  Dick Durbin’s offer –

Democrats Offer ‘License Plate Readers’ in Exchange for Huge DREAM Amnesty

Breitbart: Democratic Senator Dick Durbin is prodding GOP Senators in closed-door negotiations to accept his huge DREAM amnesty in exchange for his promise to let low-ranking border officials continue routine, non-political practices.

For example, Durbin’s lopsided proposal says Democrats will allow customs officials to buy commonplace $3,000 computerized license-plate readers for cheaply identifying cars as they pass through the border. But that agreement to buy the cost-saving devices is conditional on GOP Senators supporting the Democrats’  amnesty of 3.25 million ‘dreamer’ illegals  — plus millions of their illegal immigrant parents and chain-migration relatives — at the cost of at least $26 billion over the first ten years.

“The Democrats have made a big show of saying they are for border security, but all they are agreeing to are things that would be done in normal circumstances,” a Hill source said. read more

12 Comments on McConnell Backs Trump on Chain-Migration, Ditches Sen. Flake


    That’s good Senators, but the House and Trump are not promising their vote on it, so send off that paperwork and it will be in the paper shredder 5 minutes later.

  2. Six Broken Ribs?
    Who beat Harry Reid’s eye out and fractured his skull? Twice?

    “Nice little family you got there.
    Man oughta be careful nothing happens to them.”

    Someone sure put the fear of death into Candidate Ross Perot in 1992.
    I think about 5 seconds of 110V would have Bill Clinton begging to tell everything.

  3. Merry Christmas, CC! I haven’t seen you in a while (or maybe I wasn’t paying attention.) 🙂

    I think Occam’s razor applies here. McConnell cannot justify repeatedly spending the RNC’s millions on protracted populist elections. The last one put way too much focus on his underhanded ways. I think he has the Trump religion — especially after POTUS Trump’s Tax Cut/Reform win. Why would McConnell support a retiring Congressman’s DACA dreams? I think this ushers in a new era of less back scratching and vote swapping.

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