McConnell: Mob was not able to intimidate the Senate – IOTW Report

McConnell: Mob was not able to intimidate the Senate

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell appears with Laura Ingraham to discuss the Senate nomination process of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.


14 Comments on McConnell: Mob was not able to intimidate the Senate

  1. The unending democRAT media Telethon of the dumb-down, self-absorbed, spoon-fed, celebrity-obsessed, White guilt-ridden, pussy-hat-wearing, Communist-financed, intolerant lefty mob:
    Otherwise known as “Barry´s Kidz”

    Had enough yet?

  2. Let’s hope the backbone stays rigid, the path forward clear, and the cohesive ideal strong.

    First, stop the spread of the swamp.
    Second, define it.
    Third, drain it.

    It’s one of the few times I can remember a Republican President asking for something and geting it even when it cost a price most Rino’s wouldn’t pay.

    BTW, John McCain is still dead.

  3. Watching MSNBC. This is almost as much fun as election night. They just don’t get it. Never will get it. Elections really do have consequences. God speed, Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

  4. @ Irony Curtain – my thoughts exactly.

    Without him leading each new gang of eRepublican ratfuckers that came along…

    And Flake thought he had it in him to take over that position?? Ha!!! Flake couldn’t get a dog to follow him if he had a pork chop tied to his tail.

  5. @Hans: “BTW, John McCain is still dead.”

    Great point. If that shit stain was still above ground, this nomination would have turned out very different. I see the hand of God at work. Again.

    Edit. Irony Curtain: Missed your comment when I posted this. Great minds…

  6. If Kavanaugh is confirmed to SCOTUS today, as expected, it will show good things are made possible by J. McCain’s absence.

    Also there is an old cliché saying s__t rolls down hill. It looks courage also rolls down hill too. From PDJT. A few senators surprisingly found maturity and a spine.


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