McConnell Pledges to Support Roy Moore and Donald Trump’s Agenda – IOTW Report

McConnell Pledges to Support Roy Moore and Donald Trump’s Agenda

Breitbart: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) congratulated Judge Roy Moore on his blowout victory in the Alabama Senate GOP primary over Sen. Luther Strange (R-AL) — the candidate he backed.

“I would like to congratulate Roy Moore on his victory in Alabama tonight,” McConnell said in a statement.

McConnell added that Moore “ran a spirited campaign centered around dissatisfaction with the progress made in Washington” — not acknowledging his own role as senate majority leader or support for Strange.

“I share that frustration,” McConnell said, pledging to support Trump’s agenda, noting it was what “the American people voted for last November.”

“We look forward to Judge Moore’s help enacting that agenda when he arrives,” he said.

SNIP: Anyone buying this?

31 Comments on McConnell Pledges to Support Roy Moore and Donald Trump’s Agenda

  1. Like Paul Ryan, I feel like this is just lip service like he has given for the past 7 years. He knows he is in deep poop with the voters in his state, so he’ll have to walk a fine line to fool the voters of Kentucky while also balancing his commitment to the Deep State and the oodles of money and power they provide.

  2. McConnell’s a fucking liar. He may smell the rancidity of his RINO ass and the imminent death of the Republican Party (which he and Paul Ryan have orchestrated) but his “pledge of support” should be taken with the similar pound of salt which Trotsky took with Stalin’s “Enjoy Mexico, Leon!” or which the Jews took with Hoess’s “Arbeit Macht Frei!”

    Or a carnival barker’s “Everybody’s a winner!”
    Or a used car salesman’s “Have I gotta deal for you!”
    Or a Demonrat’s “We want to lower taxes on the working man.”

    izlamo delenda est …


    I will do nothing to help Judge Roy Moore win the general election and do as much as I can to slow down the Trump agenda after dragging my feet successfully for 1 year.

  4. Saying one thing, doing something else. Idiots. They are so into their bubble they have yet to realize the people of the U.S. are aware, know the truth and are mastering the game.

    Hell, we even told Trump he was wrong for backing Strange!

  5. Has it ever occurred to one of them that they are in a position to do good to people, individuals, and their country?

    They have a wonderful opportunity to make a great and good difference somewhere. That doesn’t mean to their bank account.

    What a waste!!

  6. CC — You put your finger on the essential fact of the so-called Uniparty of D.C. There are two stupendous things Trump can accomplish during his presidency: Appoint Constitution-loving Supreme Court Justices who do not view the Constitution as a “living document” and expose the K-Streeters, the revolving door of Reps and Senators and staffers who trade in their congressional seat for a K Street shingle, and those who consider their congressional perks include multi-million dollar paydays in return for favorable legislation. How this is any different than what Hillary Rodham-Clinton did as SoS is unfathomable to me.

  7. It’s hard to attach any creds to “the Cave Man”, poor old Mitch has caved so many times, nobody has any faith in him, even at that, his integrity is head and shoulders above Johnny Rotten, the Arizona asshole.

  8. I think I’ve heard Yertle’s “nice doggie” while he searches for a bigger stick line before.

    Sometime around the vicinity of when they were purging Tea Party members off of committee assignments after giving them the Senate.

    The time now is for turtle soup, mofo. The water’s boiling I tells ya. Boiling.

  9. I,be seen him promise five (5!) times since ,10 to repeal RomneyCare and return Americato the “free market”! Broke every promise,#!@!# Mitch and Thad have no morals.
    Doubt me?
    Ask Chris McDaniel!

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