McConnell: Senate Plans to Address Humanitarian Crisis at SW Border Next Week – IOTW Report

McConnell: Senate Plans to Address Humanitarian Crisis at SW Border Next Week

( – Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Tuesday congratulated President Trump for reaching an agreement with Mexico to stop the flow of Central Americans into the United States.

It “sounds to me like a pretty big win,” McConnell told a news conference on Tuesday.

McConnell said now that the U.S. has received Mexican cooperation, it’s time for congressional Democrats to step up:

So in the Senate Appropriations Committee a week from Thursday, we’re going to mark up a supplemental appropriation to deal with the crisis at the border — the humanitarian crisis at the border.

I hope our Democratic friends in the Senate will at long last follow our lead here and address this very, very significant crisis.

The numbers cannot be denied. Any objective look at this situation would have to conclude that this is a genuine humanitarian crisis. It cannot be solved without a combination of cooperation from Mexico and cooperation from congressional Democrats. I hope we’ll get that, beginning in the Appropriations Committee a week from Thursday.

President Donald Trump has requested an additional $4.5 billion for humanitarian purposes.

Of that $4.5 billion, Democrats are okay with $3.3 billion or $3.4 billion, but regarding the remaining $1 billion “there are some things that are not acceptable, and some things that we don’t love but we could accept,” Schumer said.  read more

14 Comments on McConnell: Senate Plans to Address Humanitarian Crisis at SW Border Next Week

  1. Mitch, don’t you use the word “we” when referring to any accomplishments at the border, you did nothing but obstruct. Now sit your ass down and shut up.

    Shumer, you’re a glutton for punishment, you really want your nose rubbed in dog squeeze by the president again?

  2. Turtle is the reason I no longer contribute to the Republican Party. I contribute to individual candidates who are loyal to the American people and not the Chamber of Commerce.

  3. Next week, next month, next year, next presidential election….
    Or how about when we take back the House, Senate and Presidency? Oh wait, that already happened.

  4. “I’ll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today!”

    He’s had 34 YEARS to confront, attack, and solve this problem, but can only “get to it next week?”

    What a worthless waste of Oxygen.
    AND he was at his strongest the first 2 years of the Trump Presidency when the “republicans” held both houses of Congress and the Presidency – and he allowed NOTHING!

    This fucking guy is slime mold – just barely alive and completely useless.

    izlamo delenda est …

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