McConnell: Twitter Political Ad Ban Clears the Field for Elites – IOTW Report

McConnell: Twitter Political Ad Ban Clears the Field for Elites


During a speech on the Senate floor on Wednesday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) reacted to Twitter’s ban on political ads by stating that “Twitter will either have to ban opinion journalists and the press from advertising their own work, or else create an enormous double standard that would just amplify the already privileged speakers” and that the reasoning behind the ban “gives way to an arbitrary process of picking winners and losers in the competition of ideas.”

McConnell said Twitter’s rationale “quickly gives way to an arbitrary process of picking winners and losers in the competition of ideas. … Twitter’s new rules would seem to forbid either a small, liberal nonprofit or a small, conservative nonprofit from putting money behind an issue ad to amplify their perspective. But what about the press? Will media corporations large and small remain free to buy paid advertising to promote editorials and opinion writers?  MORE HERE

6 Comments on McConnell: Twitter Political Ad Ban Clears the Field for Elites

  1. Dear Trumpgender,

    As leader of the ‘Good ol’ Boys Club,’ it’s not required for Mitch to have a spine as having one would threaten the psyche of the Club and the smooth execution of its daily agenda of free haircuts, martini lunches, golf games and cigar smoking, gab clutches.

    Please adjust your attitude accordingly if you want to remain in the Republican Party.


  2. What could the Russians do to our nation worse than what we do to ourselves?
    The Bill Of Rights must be INVIOLABLE or our entire government is not legitimate. Period.

    Political free speech, above all other free speech, is paramount and must be inviolable. (Just as the 2nd A, and all the others). That, and ‘political correctness’ must be called out as lies when it is, starting years ago.

    But the Senate would prefer to defend the Madonna’s right to publish nudies of her nasty self………


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