McCormick: Proof Joe Biden Worked for Burisma – IOTW Report

McCormick: Proof Joe Biden Worked for Burisma

Midnight in the laptop of good and evil:
Mike McCormick-


An email sent in November 2014 by Burisma Holdings executive Vadym Pozharskyi to Hunter Biden invokes Joe Biden’s code name “Robin” to pressure the vice president to assist the Ukrainian natural gas conglomerate in its fight against an excessive taxation decree just days before Joe was due to discuss “energy security” with the president and prime minister of Ukraine.

Pozharskyi’s bold use of Joe Biden’s secret code name in the message indicates he considered Barack Obama’s vice president under his direction, as though he was hired to get a job done for Burisma. This isn’t Hunter get this done for us … this is Joe, aka “Robin,” get this done for us. Now.

And this is the most direct proof to date that Joe Biden conducted Obama White House foreign policy in Ukraine to benefit Burisma while on official government travel paid for by American taxpayers, something he, the Obama White House, and lately Jen Psaki have vehemently denied.

And which the media have been unwilling to question. So far.

Here’s a screenshot of the email I discovered as I cross-referenced Joe Biden’s Ukraine visit to Kyiv on November 20-21, 2014, with email traffic on the Hunter Biden laptop. My copy of the laptop, given to me last fall by Garrett Ziegler on behalf of Marco Polo USA, is identical to the laptop version thoroughly reported on by The New York Post, but only recently acknowledged as authentic by the New York Times. more

4 Comments on McCormick: Proof Joe Biden Worked for Burisma

  1. ‘Robin’ as in ‘Joseph Robinette Biden’?

    man, that’s a lame code name
    ‘course he was ‘Robin’ to Barky O’s ‘ButtMan’ (the Pedo & the Homo)

  2. The laptop, Burisma…
    All old news.
    The Dirty Dem controlled propaganda tools are all up in arms about it now cuz they’re setting up to kick ol’ pedo Joe to the curb.

  3. If this isn’t impeachable, then nothing is… except a perfectly legitimate phone call by President Trump trying to find out exactly what this fucking e-mail confirms.

    Lookin’ forward to a giant heapin’ helpin’ of jack motherfuckin’ shit being done about this though.


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