McInerney banned from FOX after “Songbird” comment about John McCain – IOTW Report

McInerney banned from FOX after “Songbird” comment about John McCain

DC: Fox News says it will not be inviting back a retired military general after he called Sen. John McCain “Songbird John” during a guest appearance on the network.

Tom McInerney was interviewed by Fox Business host Charles Payne Thursday, during which the former Air Force general accused McCain of providing information to the enemy while being held prisoner in the Vietnam War.

McInerney’s comment came in response to McCain’s opposition to President Trump’s nominee for CIA chief, Gina Haspel, due to fear she would reinstate harsh interrogation techniques.

The guest claimed, “Well she can’t use it anymore because we have determined in Congress that it’s not legal. The fact is, is John McCain — it worked on John. That’s why they call him ‘Songbird John.’”  more here

34 Comments on McInerney banned from FOX after “Songbird” comment about John McCain

  1. Everybody’s afraid of that. I’m guessing it’s like the old scam that you call somebody a Commie, but because he isn’t a member of the CPUSA, the courts will let him sue you to pieces.

  2. McCain, Graham, Arlen Specter (dead), Mitt Romney, and all the rest of the Uncle Tom Republicans are turds that should just switch to the democrats and get it over with.

  3. More proof that I have been right the last 7 years! Fox is a far left Republican org. They pushed Romneycare as hard as CNN in ’09. Had the father of Romneycare on no less than 6 times in ’09 telling us how wonderful the “Nanny State” is “No Worries!”!
    Fox is still GOP – but progressive GOP like the founder of the Progressive Party in 1912 was.

    If Ronnie was a conservative then Fox has never been, and never will be, conservative. They have never been “fair” but they are more balanced than the rest of the LSM.

  4. What? Did little Shep get his knickers in a bind, over the attack on a fellow traitor? It’s like Smith is running FOX, which is why I don’t watch FOX any longer.

  5. So, John McCain can smear and attack anybody he wants because he’s dying.

    But when someone hits back they are punished.

    This is why it took Donald Trump to defeat the Leftists. Republicans — both inside office and outside — are spineless, accommodating pussies.

  6. (giggle) (snicker) (LOL)
    The General called out Songbird McPain? Good for him!
    As for being banished from Faux? That’s not a punishment.

  7. Sorry. Conservatives do not defend the Vietnam war.
    We defend the men who were forced to fight the Vietnam war. Forced, not enlisted, not volunteered to serve, but dragged out of their peaceful civilian lives to fight in a country no one had heard of and for reasons never made clear.
    We lost a dear friend to the war, a cousin came home severely injured, some came back addicted to drugs that were so available there, and for what….so some politician could make his friends in the military complex rich, or some overwrought general could strut around the Pentagon? We still don’t know what Vietnam is or was that required sacrificing American lives.
    McCain was no particular hero, and there were so many others who were captured and held for years. The difference was that he played his war years into political capital.

  8. Reality never seem to live-up to the persona that we are force fed. Comey—stand-up guy. Mueller—straight shooter. Obama brilliant. McCain hero.

  9. Expounding “Truth” has always carried great consequences.
    Now, apparently, so does the recitition of facts.

    We deplore “torture” precisely because it works as intended.
    Everyone breaks at some point – and McCain’s experience should be a lesson – not in weakness (necessarily) but in effectiveness. We (who have never had the experience) can scoff and belittle the broken and pretend our superiority, but history indicates that all of us either break or die.
    (Machiavelli (?))

    Sen. McCain’s arrogance, hubris, and fundamental dishonesty precludes any sympathy.

    Fuck him (not for being the “Songbird” but for his disingenuousness) and fuck FOX for their cowardice.

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. You’re right, Tim. There is no reason to hate or blame Senator McCain for succumbing to torture; it is effective. There are plenty of other reasons to hate the worthless bastard, though. John “wet start” McCain has the Forrestal just as Ted “the swimmer” Kennedy had Chappaquiddick; peas, pod.

    John’s whole life has been one lie after another.

  11. Snopes says the “songbird” story is FALSE…

    “The claim was roundly debunked at the time [2008] by Politifact, which cited both fellow prisoners of war and author Robert Timberg, who interviewed several POWs while writing John McCain: An American Odyssey, a biography of the senator. ”

    So leftist Politifact and McCain’s fawning biographer say it’s not true? Well, that settles it.

  12. We were taught that everyone will talk…(the rest as they say is classified). McStain fails the smell test. Okay?

    It’s what he and people like John (Brown water) Kerry have done since they came back that matters.

    None of us defends the war but don’t get on the wrong side of me about those who went, served, and didn’t dishonor themselves and their comrades. Not all of us were heroes or got medals of valor but all of us learned our motto and mantra well “Don’t mean shit to a tree.”

  13. I believe Trump knows all the reasons why McCain is not a hero. I believe we’ll get the facts soon after McCain dies – if he Satan ever musters up the courage to call him home full time.

  14. Don’t like McCain, never have. I voted for him to keep others out of office.
    Calling him a songbird is stupid. McInerney would sing too if I tortured him.
    History will judge McCain far better than I can. Although I wish his ass would retire so we can avoid his bitter farewell jabs at the President, and maybe get some votes in on judges, and appointments and such.

  15. Well, the General didn’t make up, nor did he pin McCain with the name ‘songbird’. He didn’t call McCain that, he was using him as an example. “That’s why they called him songbird” is a fair thing to say, because he did blab everything he could think of.

    Truth may make you cry for the moment but lies hurt for a lifetime. McCain’s life is one miserable lie after another. He’s an ungrateful, vindictive, miserable, two-faced liar.

  16. He wasn’t tortured…He already had two broken Arms from the

    ejection…He was called Songbird by the Vietnamese …

    They didn’t have to lay a finger on Him…He sang.

  17. He went home, but other POWs were still there and he denied, lied, forbid other Congressmen to search for them, but he gets a kick out of asking and trying to bomb other countries for any little thing. He’s a psycho. He should have never been allowed to run for office when he got released.

    And look, I don’t want to sound fucked up about it, but I have 2 friends whose relatives have had brain cancer/brain tumor and they lasted about a month or two. How is this guy still alive? I’m just asking.

  18. Notify FOX: We want McInerney back. You can keep Charlie Payne too.
    But McInerney tells the truth. McCain, according to Roland C.Eyears,
    authors Robert Timberg and Joel Skousen. “The Real John McCain- Bully, Traitor, Liar, Adulterer.”
    Some day the USS Forestal truth will come out, along with the truth
    about the fact that he had to be trained to speak calmly and cool down . McCain, a very strange fellow.


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