McInnes interviews a retired DC Cop who speaks of the damage Welfare has done – IOTW Report

McInnes interviews a retired DC Cop who speaks of the damage Welfare has done

Retired cop Gary W Hankins talks about the decline of American life and how we got here. Hankins served the Metropolitan Police Department in DC from 1970 to 1992. He helped create the Fraternal Order of Police-Metropolitan Police Labor Committee (union for the rank-and-file) and is now the president.

Hankins watched as welfare infiltrated urban areas and shattered the black family along with the idea you can make something of yourself if you try hard. Whenever I talk to these old-timers, they tell me they’re glad they’re on the “back nine” and won’t be around to see the total and utter destruction of American values. I get nervous when they say that because I’m barely on the 9th hole and my kids have only just begun.



14 Comments on McInnes interviews a retired DC Cop who speaks of the damage Welfare has done

  1. “Whenever I talk to these old-timers, they tell me they’re glad they’re on the “back nine” and won’t be around to see the total and utter destruction of American values.” That is exactly what pisses me off so much about old democrats, my mother included. Liberal as hell, democrat her whole life and now is glad she won’t see the final downfall.

  2. Thanks Brad, a guy can’t tell their 85 year old mom she’s a maroon but I sure can’t get on the same page she is on. Obviously my best plan is to love my mom and not talk reality with her.

  3. You know what’s hard to figure, she lives her life like a conservative. Raised 5 kids as a single mom, while working full time. Was and is a great mom. She is not going to change, I probably won’t either.

  4. Joe6, my liberal older brother and I haven’t spoken for three years.
    It’s a shame, only a year apart we have so many experiences together.
    He was raised conservative.
    He went to University of Cincinnati and came out totally leftist indoctrinated.
    A changed man…for the worse.

    He too lives a frugal, conservative lifestyle.
    He does harbor a whole lot of white guilt.
    I swear that he thinks he held slaves as a child?
    He’s all in for black reparations.
    That said, if I asked for a loan he would laugh in my face.

    Hard to talk to such a fool, even a blood relative. 🙁

  5. Joe6

    People get old. Sometimes they make unusual turns in their lives. I lost both my parents years ago, but now the wifes dealing with her last surviving parent. Her mother at 92. Holy shit. Thinks she can still drive. Some how or other she passed her last drivers license renewal. The damn fire department drove her home a couple nights ago because she was disoriented in driving rain at night. And yea, she leans a little lib. The battle continues. And none of the siblings are interested in listening to some one that’s been there, done that. I guess i’ll sit back and watch the train wreck.
    But Mothers are hard to replace. And odds are, you will not change your mothers mind.

  6. Loco
    Yea, I have a brother who thinks he’s a conservative. He’s not. We haven’t spoken in 5 years. His choice not mine. Mom would not approve. What can you do?

  7. Remember five things.

    1. None of it has been an accident. It was designed to happen as it has happened, and was keyed to an undeniable fact: base human nature does not change.

    2. Given the true baseness of human nature, it was inevitable that a political ideology would rise to worldwide power by appealing to that baseness rather than denying or condemning it.

    3. Once that baseness was glorified and rewarded, it had to lead the masses to hate whatever instead appealed to virtue. Most kids are now programmed that iniquity pays, virtue doesn’t.

    4. No society can come out of that polar shift intact. No society can survive a populace driven by iniquity over virtue.

    5. Given all that, it’s impossible that we ever could have stopped it. The best we could have hoped for was to resist and delay it as long as we did. Pretty sure the founders recognized that.

    The Great Falling Apart must come next. It’s already happening in stages but the final tipping point is close.

    Have a good weekend anyway.

  8. One need only look at a chart in the rise of illegitimate children and compare the curve to the curves other social pathologies They all trend the same.

    This isn’t just a Black problem, although they have been hit the hardest. The Congressional Black Caucus knows this, but their bread and butter is defending it, so the pretend it doesn’t exist. They are the true Uncle Sams, and another example of Progsressive psychological projection. As for the rest of the Demonrats, I think it is just a continuation of the oppression of Blacks.. It is much more subtle than Jim Crow laws and the KKK.

    That being said, My mom is a 94 years old.I have been spending half my time with her lately as her health is failing. I spend the other half away to force my sibling to step up to the plate. She is a Trumper and wouldn’t vote for a Demonrat if you held a gun to her head. Sadly, I have three sisters that believe the Prog propaganda.

  9. At 68, I share his sentiments. It is indeed sad to see the decline of traditional values and pride in self-reliance. I personally know people who are prideful of the fact they collect government benefits (your tax dollars) w=hile sitting on their asses and regularly visiting the casino. These are young able bodied individuals. The government has promoted dependence. Now we live in a country where at least 50% of its inhabitants contribute nothing. Yes, it’s going to collapse. It’s just not sustainable.

  10. If it mitigates anyone’s opinion, the current state of our national ambition is anti-Galt.

    Alternately, let’s go the other way and not just join the rat race but try to place in it. I currently live under a strictly enforced corporate quota system. We just emerged from Black History Month with daily and weekly notifications as to how to best celebrate it. Mandatory programs to attend, or else. We just had International Womens Day.

    All jobs are screened by an executive committee as to whether an aggrieved minority is even remotely qualified for it and “Rooney ruled”.

    Those same “victims” who are promoted far above their abilities much faster than others who worked for many more years to achieve the same.

    By my observations, the number of white males over 30 who have been hired from the outside in the last 10 years could be counted on several fingers on one hand in the last decade. As soon as cutbacks are announced, anyone 54 or over is offered a buyout. If they don’t take it and signoff that they aren’t suing, they get fired and nothing.

    HR Directors openly talk about how “diversity” promotes efficiency.

    Who doesn’t want to cash out from this racist, sexist, ageist, corporate cleansing? Try to fight it or mention it and you’ll be put out on an ice floe with guys in jetskis with flame throwers behind you.


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