McInnes: Should they be around our kids? – IOTW Report

McInnes: Should they be around our kids?

With all due respect to the trans consultants who came to this kindergarten in Burnaby, BC, Canada, why in the Sam Hell are they carrying around a sketchbook full of serial killers? Are these people sane? Should they be around our kids?

14 Comments on McInnes: Should they be around our kids?

  1. “With all due respect to the trans consultants who came to this kindergarten in Burnaby, BC, Canada,”.
    …All DUE respect is NONE. Respct is earned, and you don’t earn it by playing dress-up and ass ramming.

    ” why in the Sam Hell are they carrying around a sketchbook full of serial killers?”
    …admiration, perhaps, or implied threat. Doesn’t matter. Don’t try to understand how an insane person thinks, though, it’s not possible to logically understand a disordered mind.

    ” Are these people sane?”
    …no, they are not.

    “Should they be around our kids?”
    …no, they should not.

    A male who can’t even come to terms with his own DNA will never be in any way trustworthy. If a man can’t accept the most basic reality of what he is, placing him among children who DO fundanentally understand such basic concepts as “male” and “female”, but DON’T understand their peril at innocently challenging a deviant’s fantasy self-image is just ASKING for disaster…

  2. All I can say is I’m glad I never had kids. Don’t misunderstand, I love children but if a school did this to a kid I had I’d probably be in prison. I’ve been tolerant and always gave idiots their own space. I’ve come to the realization that they have taken advantage of that space and turned it against me. No more Mr nice guy. Going to tell these idiots what I think from now on.

  3. To answer a couple of your questions, NO. They are not sane and shouldn’t be around children. At one point this nation enforced laws about pedophiles. And as regards “Serial Killers”, one of the Trans/LGBT community icons is the late Freddy Mercury who should be considered a Serial Killer due to the number of people he infected with HIV/Aids

  4. Trans people are lower than dog shit. The whole business of getting in little kids faces to turn them into trannies or at least get them to accept it is how evil works….get into their heads when they’re young and make them sickos for life. This is a foul, wicked business.

  5. Don’t matter how many times they say it: playing where you poop is dirty, disgusting, and perverted. FAGGOTS.

    “Trying to put the Sodom back into sodomy one fag at a time.” Hans

  6. Mainstreaming this mental illness in the name of “education” is quite simply indoctrination, brain-washing and flat-out child abuse, plain and simple! They know they don’t have a shot at convincing mentally sound people with a firm grasp on reality to doubt their gender and cut off their plumbing, so they go after the soft underbelly of society – our kids!
    Should they be around our kids?
    HELL NO!
    This is criminal!

  7. It’s all a scheme to turn young minds into confused, leftist mush. Don’t they teach anything resembling useful knowledge anymore?! Math? Science?

    If I am ever blessed with grandchildren, I may have to homeschool them. I homeschooled my kid k-12. I may have to start searching for materials now before it all contains crap about perversion and revisionist history.

  8. Acknowledging Ann Barnhardt…

    “All sodomites [and other sexual deviants] are, without exception and at ALL times, an immediate danger to children, even close blood relatives.”


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