McLaughlin Poll: TWO-THIRDS of Nation Backs Trump on Recounts – IOTW Report

McLaughlin Poll: TWO-THIRDS of Nation Backs Trump on Recounts

Geller Report-

The D-bag/media is losing its power every day ….. We’re Americans. Of course we want a fair, honest election.

8 Comments on McLaughlin Poll: TWO-THIRDS of Nation Backs Trump on Recounts

  1. If crooked judges don’t straighten up, they should expect no quarter if a big upheaval is the only available remedy.

    I don’t see life deteriorating if the country ‘suffers’ a depopulation of myriads of lawyers and judges.

  2. “Recounts” are pointless….a waste of time and energy and a distraction from the REAL problem. The SAME CRIMINALS who “counted” the ballots the first time would be the ones doing any “recount”. And only a moron would believe they would allow the results to change. What is needed is a NEW ELECTION with MANDATORY ID, only CITIZENS allowed to vote, ink wells for voters to prevent double voting and NO mail in/absentee voting except for deployed Military.
    Then the counting is done ON LIVE VIDEO with cameras EVERYWHERE.


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