McMaster: Iran deal “fundamentally flawed…how do you trust this regime?” – IOTW Report

McMaster: Iran deal “fundamentally flawed…how do you trust this regime?”


Jihad Watch: This is good to see, especially in light of earlier reports that McMaster was in favor of the Iran deal. Could he be coming around to his boss’ point of view, rather than molding Trump’s views to match his own? Free people can only hope.

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12 Comments on McMaster: Iran deal “fundamentally flawed…how do you trust this regime?”

  1. If you think Trump is clueless on some of these bad guys, you’re forgetting about the guy who moved up and dominated Manhattan real estate. Woof. It wasn’t luck, either.

  2. Flawed? BO gave Iran the money they need to develop nuclear weapons, and a framework of inspections and timing that allows them to work undusturbed by civilized nations.

    The agreement seemingly is working out just as planned, so how is it flawed?

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