McMaster Pushes For War With Syria, Russia And Iran in Speech at Holocaust Memorial Museum – IOTW Report

McMaster Pushes For War With Syria, Russia And Iran in Speech at Holocaust Memorial Museum


Information Liberation: America needs to overthrow Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and wage war on Russia and Iran because of the Holocaust, so says National Security Advisor Lt Gen HR McMaster.

From the Washington Free Beacon:

National Security Advisor Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster delivered a speech at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. on Thursday where he compared atrocities carried out by the Assad regime in Syria to the Holocaust.

In addition to targeting the Syrian regime in his remarks, the national security advisor also called out Russia and Iran for assisting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad for strikes on civilians, using chemical weapons, not complying with ceasefires, and not allowing aid reach civilians.

McMaster said the United States is documenting atrocities in Syria by the Assad regime for use in future prosecutions, fighting alongside partners such as the Syrian Democratic Forces to defeat ISIS, and providing aid to assist civilians.

“Following Assad’s April 4, 2017 sarin attack on innocents, President Trump launched a powerful missile strike on the Syrian air base from which this attack originated, destroying over 20 percent of the Syrian Air Force,” McMaster said. “Our actions sent an unmistakable message: using these horrific weapons is never acceptable and we will hold perpetrators accountable.”

“Unfortunately, many of these life-saving efforts to resolve the conflict, to defeat ISIS, to deliver humanitarian aid, and to deter chemical weapons attacks are impeded by the Assad regime’s sponsors in Tehran and in Moscow,” McMaster said. “All civilized nations must hold Iran and Russia accountable for their role in enabling atrocities and perpetuating human suffering in Syria.”

On February 2nd, the same day the Nunes memo dropped, General Mattis quietly admitted the US has no evidence Syrian President Bashar al-Assad used sarin nerve gas against his own people.

There’s no way McMaster missed that news, he’s just lying through his teeth.  More

19 Comments on McMaster Pushes For War With Syria, Russia And Iran in Speech at Holocaust Memorial Museum

  1. “Concerning this tragedy that you’ve mentioned, I learned about it from the media,” Putin told reporters.

    Vlad taking a page from the Obama Book of Bullshit.

  2. WTH? McMaster is creating another issue for the MSM to run with, to knock the DOJ, FBI, scandal off the news. Trump the war monger, we’re all gonna die… 3..2…1 Bastard.

    We have a war brewing here, yesterday a Demon Congressman called for riots in our streets, civil unrest if Muller is fired. There are going to be riots here no matter what.

  3. Dude’s lost his fukkin mind.
    In the “Bloodlands” between 1930 and 1945 the Soviet Socialists of Russia and the National Socialists of Germany – TOGETHER – murdered some 30 Million people (including ~ 7 Million Jews).
    What has Assad done comparably?
    I’m not even convinced that the Assad regime loosed the poison gas. It would seem like a profoundly foolish thing to do – all downside and no benefit to him, his regime, or his political/military endeavors.
    And the opposition was right on hand to record the results?
    Seems a tad co-inky-dinky.

    “If it smells like shit, fell out of a bull’s ass, and looks like a cow-pie – chances are it’s bullshit.”

    Zonga may be onto something.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. 1. Why is McMaster, the pro-islam guy, anywhere near the Holocaust museum in the first place?

    2. Why is he anywhere near the White House? He’s always itching to go to war to help his muslims overseas. Who died and made him John McCain?

  5. Desperately firing all his progressive, dihimmi, deep state guns at once, since President Trump didn’t fall for his crap. Israel doesn’t need McMaster’s help and starting a war with Russia over Syria is purposely foolhardy.

  6. I’m game except for the Russians. We should get an understanding with Putin and the neutron bomb Sryia and Iran. All of the historic sites will be unharmed and all the death cult members will get their wish, to die as maryters. It’s a win across the board. Everyone is happy.

    Furthermore, the death eating Hamas types can be exiled to their very own homeland where they can die as maryters Again, all parties get what they want and there is peace in the land.

  7. Yeah, joining the Brits to go fight the neocon globalists’ war with the Russians because holocaust makes perfect sense. Just too bad Hilary lost or we’d be “over there” already, right? How about you and the rest of the neocon globalist war lovers fix bayonets and volunteer for the first wave beach assault. I’d get behind that.


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