McMuffin 2.0: Former Marine Colonel Lee Busby Launches Last-Minute Establishment Write-In Campaign Against Roy Moore – IOTW Report

McMuffin 2.0: Former Marine Colonel Lee Busby Launches Last-Minute Establishment Write-In Campaign Against Roy Moore

[…] However, Busby does admit to attending a fundraiser for Jones, though he denies ever donating to the Democrat candidate.

Breitbart: Lee Busby, a retired Marine colonel and former aide to White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, announced on Monday that he will launch a last-minute write-in campaign against Republican nominee Alabama Judge Roy Moore and Democrat Doug Jones.


Lee Busby argued that the allegations of sexual misconduct against Roy Moore created an opening for an establishment, centrist candidate to launch a third-party run for the December 12 Alabama Senate race.

Busby said, “I think you can flip this thing. If this were a military operation, the left flank and the right flank are heavily guarded. I think that gives you an opportunity to run straight up the middle.”

Busby’s write-in campaign mirrors Evan McMullin’s third party bid in the 2016 presidential election. McMullin, nicknamed “McMuffin” by Trump supporters, admitted during the presidential election that if he could not stop Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump from being elected president, he would be “happy” just stopping Trump from becoming the 45th president.

McMullin, a former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operations officer and Goldman Sachs employee, announced a “Never-Trump” candidacy to upset the election in favor of Hillary Clinton by appealing to Mormon voters in Utah, Arizona, and Idaho. His establishment insurgency failed to win any electoral votes and failed to win Utah, which features a strong Mormon voting base.

Bubsy has no campaign website or any serious campaign ground-game. The former aide to John Kelly hopes to rely on social media to spread the word about his campaign. Identifying himself as an Independent candidate, Bubsy, who retired from the Marine Corps in 2013, intends to emphasize his experience as a military leader, as well as his background as an investment banker, defense contractor, and entrepreneur.  more here

24 Comments on McMuffin 2.0: Former Marine Colonel Lee Busby Launches Last-Minute Establishment Write-In Campaign Against Roy Moore

  1. “Busby said, “I think you can flip this thing. If this were a military operation, the left flank and the right flank are heavily guarded. I think that gives you an opportunity to run straight up the middle.”

    Who talks like that? This jack ass was in charge of the supplies.

  2. “The old last minute Splitter Candidate trick”.

    Works well for the Dems most of the time.

    It also gives Dem/Establishment poll workers the opportunity to destroy ballots for Moore claiming they were “spoiled” write in ballots for Whatshisbutt.

    I don’t like the Gen. Kelly connection if true– and that PDT will not campaign for Moore.

    Also, Breitbart thoroughly discredits the latest Moore Accuser today.

    Go Moore.

  3. Lee Busby, a retired Marine Colonel and former aide to White House Chief of Staff John Kelly….I guess Marine Colonel’s can be gutless, backstabbing shitbirds after all.

    So he wants to be the spoiler to hand the seat to a democrat or become Alabama’s GOPe’s Thad Cochran.

    Does Kelly and McCONnell pull the strings for this establishment puppet.

    Dishonorable act.

  4. Oh man, I HATE everything about this! Okay, again, I live in Alabama and I am TIRED of all this s%$t. I know the RINO(e)s did this. First, they played on our love for children not being hurt (Cokie–go shove it) and that didn’t work so now they are playing on our love for veterans (and I am one). I do not like Roy Moore but I dislike my other options more so I will be voting for the judge.

  5. I bet he’s done some groping and grabassing in his day. Before he does his lightning flanking maneuvers, he might want to check his own flanks. It’s all fun and games until you put yourself in the middle of something serious.

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