McSally On Building A Wall Between Arizona And California – IOTW Report

McSally On Building A Wall Between Arizona And California

Daily Caller: A Republican lawmaker from Arizona wants to build a wall separating her state from California to protect citizens from the effects of Golden State’s sanctuary city.

“As we look in Arizona, we often look into the dangers of the southern border,” Rep. Martha McSally said Tuesday night at the White House during a round-table discussion about “sanctuary cities.” She announced earlier this year a bid to replace Republican Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona, who is retiring in November.

“But if these dangerous policies continue out of California, we might need to build a wall between California and Arizona as well to keep these dangerous criminals out of our state,” said McSally, who will be running against former Maricopa County, Ariz., Sheriff Joe Arpaio and former Republican state Sen. Kelli Ward.

McSally’s comment comes less than a month after the Department of Justice sued the state of California on Feb.6 for using so-called sanctuary laws to violate aspects of the U.S Constitution.

The Trump administration alleged at the time three California laws are obstructing enforcement of federal immigration law and harm public safety. President Donald Trump has escalated a protracted battle against city ordinances that protect illegal aliens.

The lawsuit is targeting three California laws.

12 Comments on McSally On Building A Wall Between Arizona And California

  1. Irony, as Modern Arizona was built mostly by Southern Californians after they had evacuated. My friend introduced healthy super fresh groceries to Arizonans just 20 years ago, brought from San Diego.

  2. Ain’t impressed. This woman is only saying what she knows we want to hear, just to win an election. Concerns me because she’s half liberal and Arizona already tried that, twice now. How’s that McCain-Flake thing working out? There’s another Arizona woman running for Senate who has better conservative creds.

  3. Plantsman–
    *** “My friend introduced healthy super fresh groceries to Arizonans just 20 years ago, brought from San Diego” ***
    Wow Bubba! THAT IS EXACTLY WHY Arizonans want to build the wall! To keep brain damaged Californians from “introducing” Calif degeneracy into their state!


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