MD Gov. not afraid to mow Hillary down in presidential race – IOTW Report

MD Gov. not afraid to mow Hillary down in presidential race


ANNAPOLIS, Md.—Democratic fundraisers say Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley has told them he would enter the presidential race even if front-runner Hillary Clinton is a candidate, suggesting she would face at least some competition for her party’s nomination from an established elected official if she runs.


Mr. O’Malley’s camp had signaled earlier this year that the governor likely wouldn’t join the field if Mrs. Clinton sought the Democratic nomination. But some party fundraisers say they have come away from private conversations with Mr. O’Malley with a clear impression that he wouldn’t stand down should Mrs. Clinton run.

As is the case with Mrs. Clinton, the governor says he is still deciding his course. Asked if he would compete against Mrs. Clinton, Mr. O’Malley, in a recent interview in the State House, said: “I’m not inclined to talk about that at this point. But I don’t blame you for asking.”

Despite his public reticence, Mr. O’Malley’s message to fundraisers and other recent actions show him to be making the sorts of moves that would position him for an eventual run.



7 Comments on MD Gov. not afraid to mow Hillary down in presidential race

  1. Borrow the Obama model by not putting any labels on her, and you’ll be fine. Should it be someone from the other end of the political spectrum, however, fire away. These wormy State Department and White House SpokesRats are disgusting.

  2. It’s all kabuki theatre by Clinton, Inc. He’ll be Hillary’s foil in the primaries, and she’ll pick him as veep if he polls acceptably and sticks to the script. At least, that’s what she told him. Break a leg, O’Malley.

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