‘Me Too’ Minnesota Candidate Trashed By Her Fellow Democrats – IOTW Report

‘Me Too’ Minnesota Candidate Trashed By Her Fellow Democrats

WFB: A Democratic Minnesota House of Representatives candidate went from being a rising star to a persona non grata within her party after she was perceived to have contributed to the fall of former Sen. Al Franken (D., Minn.).

In November 2017, Lindsey Port and another woman spoke out about being grabbed from behind by State Sen. Dan Schoen at the Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party event two years earlier. The allegation, part of the larger #MeToo movement, led to Schoen’s resignation.

But shortly thereafter, in mid-November, Franken faced sexual harassment allegations of his own and eventually resigned in January. Even though Port had nothing to do with those charges, the Minnesota Post reports she received backlash regardless. KEEP READING

10 Comments on ‘Me Too’ Minnesota Candidate Trashed By Her Fellow Democrats

  1. The democrats are amazing. They want to gain power by pretending to fight racism, sexism, etc., but to rise in the party, you must tolerate all that same shit from senior party members, all so you can, supposedly, purge such behavior from society. These people are fucking insane.

  2. Mule: I don’t think they are insane, I just think they are hugely narcissistic. They see themselves at such a higher level than us mere commoners that things like grabbing women are OK for them, and in fact, a perq they get for being so special. It’s just a natural reward for their greatness and the commoners owe it to them.

  3. She should have known she was to accuse Republicans of sexual harassment. Only “they” can truly harass and degrade women.
    Democrats just show respectful affection (ask “Al Franken”)

    In any case, sexual harassment is not to be tolerated and those who legitimately prove harassment should not be vilified or retaliated against.

  4. You know they always tell us they’re just there for the “little guy”:
    “Wherever there’s wrong-doing, We’ll be there!!”
    “Wherever there’s injustice, We’ll be there!!”
    “Wherever there’s corruption, We’ll be there!!”
    “And wherever there’s a bunch of big guys beating up
    on a little guy, we’ll be there too…
    holding the little guy down!”


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