Meadows: If Docs Not Turned Over by July 6, ‘Impeachment’ of Rosenstein ‘in Order’ – IOTW Report

Meadows: If Docs Not Turned Over by July 6, ‘Impeachment’ of Rosenstein ‘in Order’

BREITBART VIDEO: Wednesday on CNN’s “At This Hour,” network congressional correspondent Manu Raju questioned Freedom Caucus chairman Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) about the House’s attempt to get documents turned over by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

Meadows warned noncompliance could mean impeachment for Rosenstein.

25 Comments on Meadows: If Docs Not Turned Over by July 6, ‘Impeachment’ of Rosenstein ‘in Order’

  1. Empty threats sure did the trick on Holder.

    I bet a “request” to the DOJ for prosecuting Rosenstein would be complied with immediately. All smoke, no mirrors.

    Don’t send a tired, toothless dog to a dog fight.
    Having said that, “Where’s Sessions”?

  2. Yeah just let it go. You really don’t appear too serious, just a show for the masses.
    I have no idea what’s really going on but it seems like a big dragged out put on. There have been many criminal acts committed yet the games go on. Things are replayed in a loop.

  3. Watch out, Meadows. Remember that Rat Rodentstein threatened to give you the jackboot treatment if you pushed him too far. Make sure you have your house stormproofed before you impeach.

  4. Whatever the FBI is hiding has got to be catastrophic. This would explain why Sessions and others are still sitting on their thumbs. It may be that they are fearing a revolution if the info is released, they should fear one in it is not.

  5. This is about as much BS as all the “sealed indictment” talk.
    There’s been some good news lately and things have been steadily shifting but anyone who thinks there are going to be mass arrests and Guantanamo filled with crooked politicians is delusional.

  6. @moochoman
    I agree they’re hiding something big. The question is why don’t they get it out in the open so it can be fixed?
    The other question is why hasn’t Trump stepped in to get all this out in the open.

  7. He is joking, right? These guys are so inept they couldn’t organize a protest. I’m surprised he didn’t say, OK I’m serious this time. It’s July 6th or there will be big trouble.

  8. Maybe Meadows should pull out “Obama’s RED Line”,(that’s not to be crossed).
    It sure worked when Obama used it in Iran, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Russia, North Korea and China.

    And just as effective as Congress’ bullshit threats of them doing their job.

  9. @moochoman June 28, 2018 at 9:30 am

    > Whatever the FBI is hiding has got to be catastrophic.

    Or it’s yoga schedules and cookie recipes. Because we’re the Law. Fnck You!

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