Daily Caller: Staff Turnover Data Shows Sheila Jackson Lee, Amy Klobuchar Are Probably The ‘Worst Bosses’ In Congress.
Capitol Hill can be a very difficult place to work, but Sheila Jackson Lee, Amy Klobuchar, Henry Cueller and Ted Cruz are the absolute worst bosses in Congress.
Government tracking site Legistorm recently unveiled a new feature which charts each office’s annual salary-weighted staff turnover rate, in which the aforementioned lawmakers far outpaced their peers.
According to the data, Cueller and Cruz had the highest staff turnover last year in the House and Senate, respectively.
Legistorm also found that Sheila Jackson Lee and Amy Klobuchar had the highest turnover rates from 2000-2016, which is further buttressed by The Daily Caller’s own reporting. Go see
Three of the 4 worst are from Texas?
Meaningless statistic.
a one year turnover rate is nothing more than ‘cleaning house’ or ‘staff moving on’ anomaly … a much better ‘worst-boss’ indicator is the ‘since the turn of the century’ ratio, as shown
… judge accordingly
I’m still waiting for an accounting of taxpayer payouts from the Immorality Slush Fund that the representatives so craftily snuck into law.
Has it been shut down? Where’s the transparency accounting of the grabbers?
Turn-over in Congressional staff is insignificant compared to Congress’s bend-over statistics for liberal special interest PACs, Planned Parenthood and the Chamber of Commerce.
Office managers are the d~bags usually.
how many were fired or quit because they made the mistake of thinking lee was the office janitor ?
Most staff seems to come from a pool.
AAs and LAs don’t seem to ever be out of work and move from office to office.
Some bring their cronies but sooner or later opt for someone who can navigate the labyrinth of DC and who knows the whereabouts of the hidden bodies.
It’s a town of almost Byzantine subterfuge – though only the Clintons (and Obola) seem to have actually killed anyone.
izlamo delenda est …