Mean Woman’s Blues – IOTW Report

Mean Woman’s Blues

Liz Cheney may be in real trouble-

MAGA Conservatives:
Jim Jordan Dooms Liz Cheney, Says ‘Votes Are There’ To Remove Her From GOP leadership.

Jim Jordan went on Fox News and doomed Liz Cheney to the dustbin of history saying the GOP has the votes to remove her and that she “definitely needs to go.

“You can’t have a Republican conference chair reciting Democrat talking points,” Jordan said. “You can’t have a Republican conference chair taking a position that 90 percent of the party disagrees with, and you can’t have a Republican party chair consistently speaking out against the individual who 74 million Americans voted for.”

Jordan added that he was in favor of ousting Cheney “three months ago,” claiming that “you can’t be the conference chair when you consistently speak out against the leader of our party and you consistently speak out against the positions that the vast, vast, vast majority of our party and our country, I think, holds.” more

Kevin McCarthy Caught Trashing Liz Cheney On Hot Mic All But Ending Her Job In Leadership.

Liz Cheney Secretly Orchestrated Op-Ed Trashing Trump By Former Defense Secretaries.

16 Comments on Mean Woman’s Blues

  1. New Jersey police officer has been fired for saying that BLM are terrorists.

    Keep in mind that our own gov’t intel agencies put out reports saying that white supremacists are the nations biggest terror threat.

    The gov’t can say whites are terrorists. You can get fired for saying blacks are terrorists.

    There is no turning this country around. The ship is going down and there is nothing we can do about it. I’m at the point where i don’t care anymore. The country deserves to go down.

  2. If I’ve posted it once, I’ve posted it a hundred times – Progressives are progressives first, last and always. This dimwit just didn’t follow accepted protocol and the rest of the progressive establishment Republicans are caught between a rock and a hard place. The few Republicans that are not progressives, should have no trouble giving her the heave hoe, and heave the hoe over the transom while steering the Republican ship rightward.

  3. She’s total shit. So is half the GOP -most of whom operate behind the scenes.

    We can’t let up an inch.

    Btw: McCarthy lives in the scummy Frank Lundz’s house!

  4. @politics 101. Who do you think raises moral, capable conservative young men? Only Daddy? Come back and play when you take an upper division class. Don’t stop at rudimentary 101. In the mean time, I’ll vote, to cancel out a liberal woman’s vote.
    Wuvs 😘

  5. ^^^^^^^^
    They are supplying him with lotsa ammo. Dumbasses still don’t get it. Donald Trump is as real as they are fake.

    Donald Trump isn’t holding his position. … He is going through them like crap through a goose; like shit through a tin horn!

  6. They might get rid of her in leadership positions & probably in her upcoming election as well. Alas, she will then be hired by CNN or MSNBC or another liberal outlet where she will be able to bitch & moan about how badly she was treated. Of course, it will all be Trump’s fault.

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