Hawgs of Sportz Illustrated! Mentally Ill on cover of Playboi!
Whoda thunk things would get this sick and twisted!!
Maine liberals decided Maine is too white and so the dumbest Guv of all time is importing illegals from Africa who are on welfare.
Portland, ME allows non citizens to vote in city elections so now there are Africans and muslims on their city council whining racism every day and changing the city into a sh**hole.
Have fun with that Scotland.
Obesity is not pretty and not attractive and most of all not healthy.
Shapiro’s face…it looks like he drew a beard and eyebrows, with a brown Pentel marker.
Biden’s photo;
Is his chin growing breasts?
Pretty weird.
Or is it a side effects from the drugs they are pumping into him to keep him semi-lucid?
His chin looks like the backside of Grandma who is wearing yoga pants.
And the white of Pedo Joe’s eyes, turning pink. Super weird
As far as Biden’s chin, his head is down and I think that’s his wattle and it’s bunching up into his chin.
Why are Crazy Joes testicles now resting on and about his chinny chin chin?
As the brain shrinks (gee, in this administration you could make a West WIng soap opera with that name)… anyway, as the brain shrinks, the chin is the first thing to get sucked in!
Hawgs of Sportz Illustrated! Mentally Ill on cover of Playboi!
Whoda thunk things would get this sick and twisted!!
Maine liberals decided Maine is too white and so the dumbest Guv of all time is importing illegals from Africa who are on welfare.
Portland, ME allows non citizens to vote in city elections so now there are Africans and muslims on their city council whining racism every day and changing the city into a sh**hole.
Have fun with that Scotland.
Obesity is not pretty and not attractive and most of all not healthy.
Shapiro’s face…it looks like he drew a beard and eyebrows, with a brown Pentel marker.
Biden’s photo;
Is his chin growing breasts?
Pretty weird.
Or is it a side effects from the drugs they are pumping into him to keep him semi-lucid?
His chin looks like the backside of Grandma who is wearing yoga pants.
And the white of Pedo Joe’s eyes, turning pink. Super weird
As far as Biden’s chin, his head is down and I think that’s his wattle and it’s bunching up into his chin.
Why are Crazy Joes testicles now resting on and about his chinny chin chin?
As the brain shrinks (gee, in this administration you could make a West WIng soap opera with that name)… anyway, as the brain shrinks, the chin is the first thing to get sucked in!