Meanwhile, in Austria – IOTW Report

Meanwhile, in Austria

14 Comments on Meanwhile, in Austria

  1. Meanwhile Jackass Joe has stopped supporting the Israel/Europe pipeline.
    Tell me again who’s in collusion with Russia. It’s perfectly obvious to anybody with half a brain!!
    Our enemies, with the support of disingenuous democRATz and the Bought & Paid For Media, stole the election so that they could accomplish the destruction of our nation and further their goals of totalitarian control and aggression.

  2. @TRF January 20, 2022 at 7:25 pm

    > so that they could accomplish the destruction of our nation and further their goals of totalitarian control and aggression

    Oh, come on, now! It’s just business.

  3. It’s incredible that they are enacting mandates at this point, when it’s all but over.
    Austria’s numbers better than USA. They are spiking right now – but it will be downslope in a week.

  4. Were “Europe … no longer part of ‘The Free West'”, Austria would not have “fallen”.

    The results of “the experiment” are the results. Run the experiment, again (and again, and again) and get the same results. Just as The United States Constitution is the cause of The United States’ condition.

    If you want a different result, you must run a different experiment.

  5. So…..Austria passed a law saying, “You MUST get Jabbed!”
    How will this affect affect insurance companies?
    “We won’t pay out on your policy because you VOLUNTARILY took an experimental drug with (un)known side effects.”

    Can’t have it both ways, people.


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