Meanwhile, in Florida: Taco Terrorism – IOTW Report

Meanwhile, in Florida: Taco Terrorism

DANGEROUS: Meet the Taco Terrorists, Florida’s New Wave of Hispanic ISIS Converts.

Nearly a half-decade ago, writing from London, I identified a chilling trend in home-grown terror: the remarkable prevalence of redheads among white British converts to radical Islam.

Over three quarters of new converts to radical Islam have red hair in the UK; I call them the “ginger jihadis.” Today, I’m introducing DANGEROUS readers to a new trend in extremism: the rise of the taco terrorist.

The high number of Latino converts to Islam is well established. But less well understood is a new and disturbing trend in radical Islamic terrorism in the United States. Aside from a long feature in Front Page magazine, there have been no serious attempts to catalogue ISIS recruits with Latino and Hispanic backgrounds, less still to understand why so many Latinos, especially in Florida, are being drawn into a loathing of the west – and white people – that can turn into terrorist attacks against malls, restaurants and other symbols of freedom, democracy and capitalism.

The taco terrorist trend begins with Jose Padilla, a man arrested in 2002, just months after 9/11, for plotting an attack in Florida with a radiological bomb. Since then, the phenomenon has been picking up steam. Yet it remains completely unaddressed by the media how immigration, both legal and illegal, from central and south America is not just making space for home-grown terror but might even be fueling it. At DANGEROUS, we will be reporting on these stories regularly as they appear.

The most recent case is Vicente Adolfo Solano, a Honduran living in south Florida, who posted videos to the internet lashing out at President Trump, resentful over his “temporary immigration status” before plotting to detonate a bomb at Dolphin Mall, barely a mile from THE MILO SHOW studio.   MORE HERE

15 Comments on Meanwhile, in Florida: Taco Terrorism

  1. “less still to understand why so many Latinos … are being drawn into a loathing of … white people”

    Welcome!, Mr. Milo. This is Mr. Van Winkle. He’ll catch you up.

  2. muslims are the apex hate and supremist group on the planet. Hopefully, all non-muslims will wake up, identify, and speak against the islam religion myth and the myth that muslims are peaceful. Hopefully, all non-muslims will stand up and fight against the muslim ideological islamic warfare that requires all muslims to pay for and participate in murder, rape, and enslavement of all non-muslims. That makes all muslims terrorist and all their mosques terrorist recruitment and training centers.

  3. It’ll be interesting when the Taco Terrorists tangle with La Raza.

    Also interesting that he calls whites invaders, apparently forgetting that he came here 18 years ago and now he wants to stay without bothering to apply for citizenship. That’s not invading?

  4. I can see the connection. Muslems infiltrate Mexico to cross our borderless border. They meet up with the cartels. They share the most vile methods of torture and mayhem; thus forming a terrorist bond. Why not join forces?

  5. Claudia- That’s the truth.
    When I lived in central America, the anti-gov protestors were constantly getting knifed and shot (some times beheaded) and left on the road as an example. Pregnant women, too. Some of those were a slightly different version of the Ladies In White (like in Cuba, where they protest political prisoners).

  6. It is very trendy for leftists (and hipsters) in Spain to support and even join Islam. They seem to feel guilty for reconquering the Iberian peninsula in 1492 and the eventual expulsion of all Muslims. They long for the halcyon days of Al-Andulus, which never existed — the halcyon part. You get much the same in Latin America. Being anti-American has always been trendy there, even among conservatives, so it is natural to buddy up to someone who screams, DEATH TO AMERICA!!!

    Another factor is the influx of Syrian(Lebanese) refugees in the late 1800’s through the early 1900’s. Ironically, it was Christians escaping wave after wave of Ottoman-led massacres that brought the initial groups, but they were followed, especially since WWII, by Muslims from the same area. There have been quite large Muslim enclaves in Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil for decades. All other countries have significant Arab, Iranian, and some Turkish populations (both Christian and Muslim), usually in the major cities.

    I had a close friend, a Bolivian, whose older brother converted to Islam while their family was stationed in New Delhi (the father worked for the UN). He later also converted, changed his name and disappeared. He was drawn to the simplicity of Islam. He always had trouble living in a gray world full of morally/ethically gray people. Islam pretends to see everything in black and white, though on closer inspection, they do quite well with moral/ethical grayscale.

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