Meanwhile, in France… – IOTW Report

Meanwhile, in France…


Court awards compensation to Islamic State jihadi involved in Paris jihad massacres that killed 130

The man thought to be the sole survivor of the group that carried out the Paris terror attacks was awarded 500 euros ($560) in compensation because the level of surveillance he was under in jail was deemed illegal, it has been reported.


France: new “draconian law” aims to kill free speech online with swift penalties including jail

France, still run by embattled globalist president Emmanuel Macron, is debating a draconian new law that would impose massive fines on social media and search engine companies if they fail to take down “hate speech” within 24 hours.

Company officials at Facebook and other social media platforms could face up to a year in prison in France if they fail to remove so-called hate speech under the proposed law. The companies themselves could face fines of up to 4 percent of their global revenues — a colossal sum — for repeated violations.

Individual users who abuse the “report” function on social media platforms could also face fines and jail time.


15 Comments on Meanwhile, in France…

  1. toby miles – Whut’s wrong with rust?
    A hammer and some excersize and its back in operation in no time.
    Just like the The tree of liberty, itz gotta get lubed with the blood of criminals.
    And after all, itz not like Tetanus iz really gonna bother anybody!

  2. Sounds like a money-grab to me. Facebook would do nothing all day long but try to comply with the millions of posts every day the French arbitrarily label as hate speech, which would be darn near everything.

  3. They need to sell every military asset they own and decommission every nuke power plant they have now so when they do hit 51% muzzietard voting population the allahmonkies wont have a first world military to jihad with.

    If they dont they will be inviting a preemptive strike by not only the USA but Russia and the People’s Republic of China. France has no oil so they wont get the same wink and a nod that the Arab world gets.

    The whole MAD deterrent only wor kn s against people who dont want to die. When 51% of the population thinks they get a one way ticket to paradise if they die striking a blow against the infidel best to oblige them before they ask in earnest.

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