Meanwhile, In Hawaii – IOTW Report

Meanwhile, In Hawaii


21 Comments on Meanwhile, In Hawaii

  1. If I was a congressman for a day the first order of business in 2015 would be to cut them off. No more vacays on the taxpayer’s dime. No more celebrity (or otherwise private) parties at the WH (they can go rent their own venue and cater it with their own money). No more jaunts to their fav NY and Chicago restaurants nor fly-in pizza and rib orders (not to mention bringing the chef along). No more glitzy childrens’ parties featuring $30.00 cookies decorated to look like the family dog. No more funding for unelected FLOTUS’s to travel independently in order to opportunistically crash quasi-“state” functions for the purpose of evading travel expense scrutiny.

    In the word of “Hit the Road Jack” — “No more, no more, no more, no more!”

    Why any of this has been tolerated by the people’s representatives, especially at a time when so many have stopped taking any vacations or engaged in even modest entertainments, is an outrage to me!

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