Meanwhile, in Louisville… – IOTW Report

Meanwhile, in Louisville…

Notorious Antisemite, Terror Spox Linda Sarsour Leading Cop-Killing BLM Riots in Louisville.


TWO POLICE OFFICERS SHOT at BLM Riots in Louisville.

20 Comments on Meanwhile, in Louisville…

  1. Too bad BLM is co-opting this story in Louisville. There is a side in this story that as a legit complaint. Police had NO warrent (or right)
    to do a no knock escalation on Taylor’s home. That makes the result homicide. Same as if you ran a stop sighn and killed a child.

  2. WTF?? – The truth / timeline was already shown, even the lefty newspapers in Louisville agree with it. It was a no-knock, the search warrants had all their names on them, AND cops announced they were at the door. Even the neighbor heard them. You want to be pissed at someone, try the judge.

  3. When will authorities allow the police to go Bill Munny on the rioters? You do remember William Bill Munny don’t you?

    The Clint Eastwood charter in “The Unforgiven”. Near the end of the movie, Bill enters the saloon, and says , “Anyone that doesn’t want to get shot or killed better move on out the back.” Or something close to that.

    Breanna Taylor is just the latest excuse for riot organizers to ignite a riot. If peaceful people wanted to fuss about the real reason for her accidental shooting. They would be protesting about girls hooking up with criminal stupid boy friends that shoot at the police.

    If you don’t open fire on the police, [or if you aren’t next to the person who does] the odds are high you’ll still be alive the next day. Sadly in this case they killed the wrong person who was in the wrong place, at the wrong time, with the wrong person.

  4. It’s past time to declare BLM and Antifa as domestic terrorists and take no prisoners. That includes all of these leftist politicians and Soros.
    The left likes population control, so give it to them, we’ll just call it late term abortions.


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