Meanwhile in Vancouver, Canada – IOTW Report

Meanwhile in Vancouver, Canada

I can’t even… 🤦‍♂️

30 Comments on Meanwhile in Vancouver, Canada

  1. @ǝpɐɥsʇɥɓᴉuɹǝdnS — I’m not going to absolutely disagree, but there are a few exceptions: Eric Clapton and Mark Knopfler come to mind instantly.

    I should contact those wanna-be slaves and zealots at the Vancouver radio station that I will henceforth listen only to unvaccinated DJs.

  2. Leave it to us Canadians to get all upset that Biden & California were winning most of the stupid of the year awards so we had to mount another attempt a re-taking the lead.

    Except for the Blue Jays, Fuck I hate this place!

  3. Kcir: I can’t stand the Blue Jays. Even in Vancouver — the other side of the country — it is as if no other baseball team exists. It’s not as if we have a team 150 miles away. They can’t find time to give a Mariners score but we will get team coverage if the Jay’s bat boy gets a splinter.

  4. What about cows? Can I eat beef from unvaccinated cows? I read that animals could get COVID… How about chickens? Turkeys? Pigs? Fish? Deer?

    And when will they extend the mandate to grains, fruits, and vegetables? Or is the vegan lobby too powerful for that?


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