Meanwhile, In Virginia… – IOTW Report

Meanwhile, In Virginia…

From The Bull Elephant-

Terry McAuliffe for Governor, again?

The Washington Post is reporting that former Governor McAuliffe is re-staffing his political action committee. The committee was established during his brief run for President. Since McAuliffe is no longer running for President it’s likely the re-staffing of his PAC will be used for a run at the Governor’s mansion in 2021. 

Virginia gun owners are woke

In response to the Democrat’s take over in Richmond, counties across Virginia are voting to declare themselves 2nd Amendment sanctuary enclaves. 

Senator Amanda Chase leaving Republican caucus

Senator Amanda Chase (R-Chesterfield) will not be a part of the Republican Senate caucus in the General Assembly in Richmond because she objects to the chosen caucus leader, Tommy Norment (R-James City).

From the Richmond Times-Dispatch:

In an interview, Chase said that under Norment’s leadership, the caucus has failed to live up to the “Republican Creed.” Chase said she didn’t challenge Norment for caucus leader, but hoped that other senior senators to the right of Norment would.

“Under Senator Norment, we’ve expanded Medicaid, raised taxes — that’s not Republican” Chase said. “These are outside of what the GOP stands for.”

5 Comments on Meanwhile, In Virginia…

  1. …will be used for a run at the Governor’s mansion in 2021.

    You can do it, Terry. Get a good start, build up speed, put your head down, and see youself running right on through that mansion wall. But you’ve got to really believe.

  2. Any historians remember Bull Run One?

    There appears to be a LOT of shit going down in Va recently probably more than any other state, other than Cali maybe, and is at the edge of the Swamp, the Spreading Swamp.

    For instance: Charlottesville, taking down statues in the middle of the night in local counties (in the capital actually), while blackface is tolerated, 2A is questioned, the state going full Blue, etc.

    We must look at our own history. Virginia is Where the Action Will Start, again. Centrally located then and centrally located now.

    Ready? Sucks to suggest that, but let’s not be dopey sleeping assholes here.

  3. I blame AOC. She chased amazon out of her district so, they’re establishing their east coast headquarters in northern Virginia, tipping the voter scales blue. McAuliffe is an idiot, but a clever one. His timing is good. Ours is running out…

  4. There is so many things wrong with Virginia politics that it cannot be addressed in less than 20 paragraphs. So I won’t even try.

    As for Amanda Chase…has she discovered deodorant yet? I have known her for years, predating her initial run for office. Best not to get too close. Just saying.


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