Meanwhile, in Virginia… John Hinckley Jr. has trouble socializing – IOTW Report

Meanwhile, in Virginia… John Hinckley Jr. has trouble socializing

John Hinckley Jr. ‘happy as a clam’ in Va., but lacks close friends and romance is elusive.

Hinckley said during one of his evaluations that “they were complaining I had too many women” when he was still in the mental hospital.

“Now I don’t have any,” he said.   Story here

h/t PHenry.

23 Comments on Meanwhile, in Virginia… John Hinckley Jr. has trouble socializing

  1. Gee that’s………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..too fucking bad

  2. I swear to God that photo looks just like a photo I saw a few years back of one of the Hyannisport Kennedys being hauled off to court or rehab or some such Kennedy event.

  3. Jay Leno in the 80’s talking about future volumes of the Time/Life Gunslingers book series – “Read about John Hinckley Jr. – an hombre so ornery he once shot a president just so he could meet a pretty gal.”

  4. JD

    “I swear to God that photo looks just like a photo I saw a few years back of one of the Hyannisport Kennedys being hauled off to court or rehab or some such Kennedy event.”

    Me too

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