Meanwhile, in Wisconsin… – IOTW Report

Meanwhile, in Wisconsin…

hat tip Doc.

20 Comments on Meanwhile, in Wisconsin…

  1. Haha! Having spent at least 39hrs. in Wisconsin strip bars. Don’t judge me, there’s things to do up der eh, like catch fish and be a goof.

    Sos I was up der with a few pals. We was skunked on the 50″ we was looking fer. So, we went to the jiggly bar. That’s where Troy got squirted with titty milk and Johnny threw $100’s he thought were $1’s

    That’s not the worst of it up that way. I have another 35hrs worth of jiggly room stories.

  2. In Kansas we pay with pork chops…thick cut in the seedier dance parlors….some people call them ‘community centers’, but it’s really just a gathering of the hogs….and that ain’t even when the Methodists let out for the Sunday airing of the pews….the Catholics gather on Saturday with an African priest….I get so confused that I’d go to “the Church of Christ” gathering hall but those folks are kind of strange. I prefer my 3 dogs, 1 goat and a liter of good bourbon…


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