Meanwhile, South Of The Border… – IOTW Report

Meanwhile, South Of The Border…

Mexico: Can Lopez Obrador Lose?

Ricardo Anaya is Mexico’s only hope to save Mexico from authoritarianism and populism.
Almost 30 days before the presidential elections in Mexico, Ricardo Anaya’s window of opportunity to catch leftist front-runner Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) has elapsed. It is now or never.

As of today, Anaya remains in second place in the polls, (with José Antonio Meade and the PRI in an increasingly irrelevant third place), but the margin that separates him from AMLO is between 10 and 20 points, according to which poll you look at.

It’s such a wide margin that it seems extremely difficult to surmount, although not impossible, especially considering that there is an average of 30% of undecided voters, as well as a very high number of likely voters who refuse to respond to the pollsters.

Colombian Presidential Elections: Why Petro’s New Strategy Won’t Work.

Gustavo Petro is now trying to rebrand himself as a moderate, but he won’t fool the Colombian people.

In the May 27 presidential elections in Colombia, former senator Ivan Duque, the anointed candidate of Uribe, won 7,569,693 votes, representing 39.14% of the vote.

Leftist former guerrilla Gustavo Petro won 4,851,254 votes, or 25.08%. Thus Colombians will have to proceed to a second round to choose, on June 17, who will assume the presidency of Colombia at this key moment for the country. We are at a point of “no return.”



The Supposed Constitutional “Reform” in Cuba is Only Cosmetic.

The new Cuban leadership is eager to present their plans as reform-minded, but in reality the same repressive regime continues, using the same methodology.

A reform of the Constitution of Cuba is currently in process. Concerns have arisen about the intentions of the reform, which takes place under the auspices of a single party system, where the heir of president for life, Raul Castro, is the chairman of the commission created to oversee the draft, and composed of 33 members. Of course, this commission takes into consideration neither any kind of electoral results nor the citizen’s will.

Under the customary rules of a republic, where the three powers, executive, legislative and judicial, are separated so that no one branch may unduly dominate the other. In the Cuban system, not only is the executive branch able to impose its will on the legislative branch, but the former president has greater power than his predecessor.

5 Comments on Meanwhile, South Of The Border…

  1. No country with an average IQ of less than 92 can survive self-governance. Eventury they slip into corruption and then despotism.
    Mexico’s average IQ is 87 and is therefore incapable of electing a leader who can save them from themselves.
    Mexico’s problem is that it’s filled with Mexicans.
    Instead they need the most benevolent tyranny that they can stand.

  2. IQ (a concept of debatable value) is not the point since plenty of relatively high IQ people have ended up making utter shitholes of their own nations (and those of others) time and time again. The problem is what it always was: some people will stop at nothing to rule over others, in any capacity. Some, for whatever reasons, want to be ruled over. The rest just want to be left alone.

    Inevitably, group 1 lies and murders its way into enough power to convince group 2 to gang up on group 3. Result: shithole. Has been that way from the beginning. And if it’s true in the U.S., and it is, it ain’t gonna change anywhere else.

    A global shithole is coming.

  3. It is unfortunate that Mexico does not hold a runoff election (I think the same of the US). Their current president won with only 39.17 percent of the vote with only a 63% turnout. Not exactly a popular mandate. If Lopez Obrador wins it will get very ugly very fast. If Hillary had won, the repercussions on this side of the border will have been greatly amplified. Any nevertrumper who says Hillary would have been preferable is much worse than a fool.

  4. All the people need to do is look at any one of the socialist countries in South or Central America to see what will happen to them if they elect the socialist. But no, they won’t learn and we will have a bigger problem on our southern border.


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