Measles Outbreak Strikes Again In Los Angeles – IOTW Report

Measles Outbreak Strikes Again In Los Angeles

Public health officials declared measles eradicated from the United States in 2000 and from Canada in 1998.


Two years after a large Measles outbreak broke out at Disneyland in Southern California and spread internationally, an outbreak of the disease is back with nine confirmed cases in Los Angeles County.

The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (DOPH) announced Friday that they are investigating the nine cases as part of an outbreak in the county. The department recommended in an email alert, “Health care providers should consider the diagnosis of measles among persons presenting with a febrile rash illness.”

In December 2014 a Measles outbreak originated at Disneyland in Anaheim, California. Patient zero was long said to be unknown. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported, “The outbreak likely started from a traveler who became infected overseas with measles, then visited the amusement park while infectious. However, no source has been identified.”



5 Comments on Measles Outbreak Strikes Again In Los Angeles

  1. gotta luv all those illegals spreading viruses, diseases, that we tried so hard to eradicate

    gotta luv all the regression under Obama, all the attempts to diminish the US native population … any way, shape or form

    absolutely fantastic job there, demonRats

  2. 1. black plague still exists in the northern plains states that have prairie dogs.
    2. It was either the fruits, nuts or crazies that spread measles in calipornia, it couldn’t have been the illegals, they were healthy enough to evade the border patrol and ICE. Like DUH.

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