Media Already Beginning to Push Excuses For Dems Potential Losses in ’22 & ’24 With Kooky Conspiracy Theories – IOTW Report

Media Already Beginning to Push Excuses For Dems Potential Losses in ’22 & ’24 With Kooky Conspiracy Theories

Diogenes’ Middle Finger

Anyone with the intestinal fortitude to endure an early morning trip around the TV dial knows the mostly female former weather girls and failed actors pretending to be pseudo-journalist of the early morning shows for the most part set the news cycle for the day. Between cute cat videos and interviewing authors no one has heard of,  since the age of anti-Trump always wander off the rails into territory of which the don’t belong. National Politics.

But it’s now their job to help keep eyes off the stumbling inept Biden administration that increasingly resemble a grievance infused adolescent student council from a school for troubled youth in a runaway car speeding down hill.  Over on cable news, this is the all day norm.
None have produced so much conspiracy nonsense with so little available IQ then the confused mouth breathers at MSNBC. more

9 Comments on Media Already Beginning to Push Excuses For Dems Potential Losses in ’22 & ’24 With Kooky Conspiracy Theories

  1. She writes, “Anyone with the intestinal fortitude to endure an early morning trip around the TV dial…”

    Well that leaves me out. I haven’t had the stomach to watch the alphabet freak show since the early 90s. How anyone can sit there and listen to these fucking assholes pontificate to us rubes without blowing a gasket is a mystery right up there with the Holy Trinity…well not quite, but still.

  2. Commies/fascists are always guilty of what they blame others for. Their hypocrisy is how they operate. And considering the treason that has unfolded in the last fives years alone, watch out.

    Dems are committed usurping us all. Everything they peddle is totally antithetical of who we are from nature itself.

  3. Brace yourselves, the other half of the UniParty will come begging
    with their worn out “give us the house” only to squander it away again.
    We need our own radicals on the right, not the old familiar squishes.

  4. If 2022 is anything like 2018 or 2020 consider case closed. There is no recovery outside of hurting people. I’ve known five people who have off’ed themselves in my time so far. Good people who married had children etc..

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