Media Bias Against GOP Tax Bill Misleads The Public – IOTW Report

Media Bias Against GOP Tax Bill Misleads The Public

Daily Caller:

Pervasive media bias about the GOP-led tax bill has caused a vast majority of people to believe they are going to receive a massive tax hike if President Trump signs it into law.

Leftist media pundits and even “objective” anchors and reporters have framed the bill as a tax cut for the rich that is being paid for by the middle class, even though analysis shows that the middle class will reap the biggest income gains.

As the Wall Street Journal’s Richard Rubin tweeted on Tuesday, 80 percent of households will get cuts in 2018, but only 17 percent in a WSJ poll believe they’re getting tax cuts.

That gap between perception and reality may be attributed to media hysteria that has described the bill as “plunder,” “tax cuts for the rich,” and a “fantasy.”

After the House passed the bill on Tuesday, the Associated Press published an unbelievably misleading headline, writing that the bill provides “steep tax cuts for businesses, the wealthy.” Of course, the tax bill provides tax cuts for the lower and middle class as well.

According to the Joint Committee on Taxation, the middle class will receive $61 billion in tax cuts in 2019, totaling 23 percent of the overall tax cuts for individuals.

Yet outlets like The Washington Post, Newsweek, Time Money, and The New York Times all described the bill as a “tax hike” on the middle class.

While some of the benefits to the middle class expire by 2027, which is primarily what is being referenced by those media outlets, any tax hike is contingent on the assumption that the tax benefits will not be renewed by 2027. That outcome is relatively unlikely considering the history of the “temporary” Bush-era tax cuts and the fact that the 2027 expiration date was only added to overcome a Senate budget rule.  more here

16 Comments on Media Bias Against GOP Tax Bill Misleads The Public

  1. I have yet to hear any reporting from any source that points out that it is corporations and wealthy individuals who pay the lion’s share of taxes, and that it simply is not possible to reduce by very much the taxes of those who pay little or none at all.

  2. What the Demorroids hate most is the cuts go into effect before the mid-terms. Please add a ‘not my President’ check box on tax forms so shitwits can continue paying Obozo rates and the Obozo care penalties.

  3. The democrats and their media are terrified that all of their bloviation will be exposed next February when take home pay increases. Every week. Their myths will be broken and their lie factory will no longer be listened to.
    They know they are screwed. And it was a screwing of their own doing.

  4. Part of the problem was they really didn’t sell it well. I lose some deductions but took the time to build out a schedule with what rates would be next year with and without this bill. People don’t understand the rate cuts and people naturally like deductions. For many they are worried about SALT and/or mortgage interest and don’t see they’ll still be thousands ahead due to rate cuts. That is a messaging issue. Some of that blame falls on republicans.

  5. Before Trump was elected, financial advisor experts generally said to take money out of retirement accounts sooner rather than later, because “everyone knows taxes will only go up” in the future.
    The experts were wrong.
    This is yet another way President Trump is flipping the script.

  6. The spin is out already. I’ve heard several news outlets reporting, and I paraphrase, “when DJT voters pay on Apr. 15th 2018 and the tax bill hasn’t gone down, but more likely up, or at best constant — They will (insert slur while tripping over words) switch and vote democrat.”

    Okay, shitforfuckwads, it starts for 2018 tax — paid in 2019. Hey, whatever twat is going to switch parties over that never belonged in the first place, good riddance.

  7. “Media Bias Against GOP Tax Bill Misleads The Public”

    Ha! The Media were misleading the public long before the GOP decided to relieve the Americans of some of their burden.
    The tax bill is pretty tepid by any objective standard, but the mere fact that it has been proposed, passed, and may become a reality, has thrown the tax-and-spend hate-Americans into paroxysms of rage.
    As Uncle Al points out, which the Media never did, how can the taxes of those who don’t pay them be reduced? Why must I (retired, living in MO) be forced to support the hateful, corrupt, fiscally retarding policies of New York, New Jersey, Illinois, and California? Why must I pay to encourage illegal alien invading rat-people to invade my country? Why must I support the murders of the innocent through PP, Red Cross, and the States?

    A tiny baby-step towards the restoration of America which is being fought tooth and nail, to the knife, by the forces of socialism and dissolution.

    izlamo delenda est …

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