Media Blackout: Biden’s Judicial Appointments Outpace All Presidents Since JFK – IOTW Report

Media Blackout: Biden’s Judicial Appointments Outpace All Presidents Since JFK

Tore Says: Amidst an increasingly concerning atmosphere of media suppression, we have observed a deeply unsettling and systematic endeavor orchestrated by a purportedly illegitimate President to meticulously tilt the judiciary in his favor. The deafening quiet enveloping these maneuvers, amplified by a calculated media blackout, has effectively concealed the President’s thirty-fifth (35th) wave of judicial selections and a fresh nomination for U.S. Attorney from the glaring eyes of public examination.

Why would no one be reporting this?

The convergence of media silence from both ends of the political spectrum regarding these actions could stem from various factors. First, media outlets today prioritize stories that align with their established narratives or agendas, potentially overlooking stories that don’t fit neatly into their preconceived narratives. If the conservative media is concerned about Judges politicizing their benches, then why the silence.

The apparent inconsistency observed by the right-wing media’s reporting and amplifying the concerns of judges might be attributed the potential of being to be perceived as bias which would be warranted if the left-wing media praised the appointments, but this is not the case. more

10 Comments on Media Blackout: Biden’s Judicial Appointments Outpace All Presidents Since JFK

  1. Using the word “Blackout” is very apt. Angry (racist) black females with an agenda all get moved to the head of the line, and on the bench.

    Of course, the new president can fire all these US attorneys on his first day. both Clinton and Bush did it. The judges are more bulletproof.

    I just heard that Trump will turn himself in @ 7:30 tonight, Eastern Time. What’s the over/under for him wearing his FJB T-shirt?

  2. If the law is not present in society it matters little who sits a bench. And The Law seems to be on holiday, perhaps vacationing out of the country.

    If some other method of addressing the lack of law arises, I will not be surprised. Nature abhors a vacuum.

  3. Aunt Lindsey has facilitated every single one. That’s why it’s important to vacate the fraudulent 2020 Presidential election so every law, executive order and judicial nomination can be vacated as well.

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