Media Focus On Trump; But Voters Focus On Hillary – IOTW Report

Media Focus On Trump; But Voters Focus On Hillary

HillaryDaily: While the media love to focus on the perceived “gaffes” and “blunders” of Donald Trump, the voters are increasingly more interested in the unfolding evidence of a pay-for-play bribery scheme at the Clinton Foundation.

The nature of the scheme became evident earlier this week in a newly released e mail from Doug Band, the ex-president’s chief of staff to Hillary’s Huma Abedin asking her to intervene to set up a meeting between a big Foundation donor and the U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon. The donor, Lebanese businessman Gilbert Chagoury, gave $5 million to the Clinton Foundation and pledged another billion to the Clinton Global Initiative. Pay-for-play.

hillary and huma

In another example, less well publicized, the country of Algeria donated $400,000 to the Foundation just as Hillary was pressing, successfully, for completion of an arms deal with Algeria worth more than one hundred million dollars.

And, in Washington DC, a young man who served on the staff of the Democratic National Committee, Seth Rich was murdered in the street. His wallet, cash, credit cards, and watch were not taken.

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13 Comments on Media Focus On Trump; But Voters Focus On Hillary

  1. Complicit media…that’s what they are… don’t bother reading or thinking for yourself, Voter…we will do it for watch as we make pretties with our asses and tongues…. FCUK them where they breathe….

  2. Two thoughts. First, the media was generally all in for Obama, and the general public knows that this did not work out particuarly well. The media is now all in for Clinton, and a lot of the general public is skeptical. Second, there is frequently a big difference between what Trump actually says, and what the media reports Trump says. I’ve listened to quite a few Trump speeches, and the media follow up analysis is often so far off base that I’m left wondering if we both watched the same thing.

  3. When I look at the constant harping on the polls, the Trump is dangerous trifle, and all the other Outrage of the day, I see that no matter the partisanship, down deep the liberals know she will lie to them, too.

  4. Do not be deceived by what you see before your eyes.

    Matthew 24:24
    Mark 13:22

    For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.

    The truth is out there. You just have to be un afraid and willing to seek it out, and not be led astray.

  5. “While the media love to focus on the perceived ‘gaffes’ and blunders’ od Donald Trump, the voters are increasingly more interested in the unfolding evidence of a pay-for-play bribery scheme at the Clinton Foundation.”

    Yeppers. I just find soap operas so much more interesting when they’re acted out by real people, not fictional mannequins named Chad and Tiffany.

  6. Algeria only gave $400K? All that got them was an robo-autographed picture of Cankles, and a bag of Cheetos at the C list reception room of the CGI (the C listers only get to see the video feed from the main room).
    “The Clintoon Global Initiative: You Gotta Be a “Pay-a” To Be a “Play-a!”

  7. Nothings free and no one gives away a million, times whatever, dollars without understanding they are buying something worth at least the amount of the donation.
    So what are the Cintons selling worth twenty million dollars a year? What do the buyers thing they bought?

  8. Apparently, Hillary actually is someway$ taard…

    “By the end of those two weeks that’s exactly how I felt, it was, ‘Oh my gosh, I don’t know that I can get up, let alone what I will do if I am vertical,’” Hillary Clinton said in a campaign podcast…I, knock on wood, am pretty lucky because I have a lot of stamina and endurance, which is necessary in the kind of campaign I’m engaged in,” Clinton stated.”

    When she keels over into a coma or worse, it will be unexpected by nobody but the MSM. Her own voters are freaking out and she has to give a pep talk. Sad.

  9. Hamrod is not well.
    It makes me wonder what kind of deal in hell she’s made, being trotted out like Weekend at Bernies, to be dragged over a political finish line.
    Hamrods handlers and complicit media are literally killing her.

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