Media Has a New Talking Point to Defend Joe Biden – but It Makes Him Sound Even Worse – IOTW Report

Media Has a New Talking Point to Defend Joe Biden – but It Makes Him Sound Even Worse

Red State-

While sometimes you get a little truth from the liberal media, such as when CNN polling guy Harry Enten said how “really, really, really bad” the polling numbers for Joe Biden were — indeed, the worst ever for anyone at this stage of their term — a lot of the liberal media is still an acid bath of people hidebound to push the Democratic narrative to do what they can for Joe Biden.

One of the worst shills for the Democratic narrative is CNN’s John Harwood. But his excuse for Joe Biden — the latest Democratic talking point to excuse his failures — isn’t going to help him. Indeed, it makes him sound worse. According to Harwood, there’s not much Biden can do about any of the problems that are plaguing the country.

9 Comments on Media Has a New Talking Point to Defend Joe Biden – but It Makes Him Sound Even Worse

  1. “there’s just not much President Biden can do about it”

    Then why is he even “president?” Oh yeah. Because the 2020 election was stolen!

    And you forgot to capitalize “there” Hardonwood. Now go wet your bed again.

  2. There is one thing Joey could do to help solve all those problems. He should get Kakamala, the congressional leadership (Rancid Nancy and Paddy Leahy), and his whole cabinet gang (Blankety-blank Blinken, Dammit Janet Yellen, ‘Roid Austin, AG Garbageland, Debbie, Tommy, Gina, Marty, Xavier, Marcia, Petey, Jennifer, Miguelito, Dennie, Alejandro, Mike, Avril, Kathy, Linda, Ceecee, Isabel, and Shalanda) all to get on Air Force One for a problem-solving trip to New York and then simply fly the plane full speed into the U.N. building.

  3. All the cabal is doing is setting up Biden to be the fall guy, as the reason for the trouncing in November (despite they’re best vote fraud efforts) and the terrible situation we’re in with the world.
    ‘It wasn’t us…it was Biden. We tried to stop him.’ (wink-wink-nudge-nudge)

  4. Biden wasn’t installed to do anything. His simple task was to undo everything Trump did. Now that he has finished and is shuffling through the wreckage of his Presidency—and the nation—I expect that the media will suddenly discover that the deep state is not a conspiracy theory and is, in fact, the reason why Biden can’t do anything.

  5. I’m sick to death hearing and reading about the puppet unable to do anything.
    He already has. This IS the plan. Ruin the country. He’s done his job, The destruction is almost complete.

  6. Biden’s just a puppet. And not very good at it.
    The goal is to destroy the middle class and small business.
    We’re the uncontrollable ones. Nothing will change for the very rich and poor.


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