Media Hugely Inflated Number of Transgender Troops – IOTW Report

Media Hugely Inflated Number of Transgender Troops

Breitbart: For the last decade, the establishment media have touted advocates’ claims that 15,000 transgender people are serving in the U.S. military.

But this week, President Donald Trump’s Pentagon revealed the transgender population is just 4,240 service members.

That adds up to one transgender person for every 500 service members in the United States military of 2.1 million active and reserve members.

That transgender share is just 0.2 percent, or one-fifth of one percent, of the military.

In football terms, the transgender share is just 8.6 inches on a 120-yard football field.

The media’s much-claimed 15,000 number is almost four times the Pentagon’s 2025 count of 4,240 self-declared transgender service members. more here

17 Comments on Media Hugely Inflated Number of Transgender Troops

  1. Media Hugely Inflated Number of Transgender Troops

    That’s hardly surprising. The propagangsters want that number to be as big as their egos and senses of self-importance.

  2. Let’s face it… the overwhelming majority of “Transgenders” are basically frat-boys wearing a costume, gaming the system! Those who have actually had the surgery are probably the .015%.

  3. In a post featured here last week, it was noted that the military encourages those trannies to revert back to their biological sex and remain active. This is a sop to the leftists and should be discouraged.

    Gender dysphoria is a DSM listed mental disorder. In and of itself it is debilitating, but psychiatrists are pretty vocal about mental disorders traveling in either pairs or groups, meaning that if you have one, chances are high that little guy is not alone.

    For the sake of unit safety, cohesion, and morale, they ALL need to go; that whole chain/weak link dynamic.

  4. @Rich:
    Not to mention that with the meds they’re on to help satisfy their mental disorder, said drug usage disqualifies them from being fit for service.

  5. “The press is a gang of cruel faggots. Journalism is not a profession or a trade. It is a cheap catch-all for fuckoffs and misfits—a false doorway to the backside of life, a filthy piss-ridden little hole nailed off by the building inspector, but just deep enough for a wino to curl up from the sidewalk and masturbate like a chimp in a zoo-cage.”

    ― Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

  6. If it were up to me I’d hand over every last individual who had anything to do with this bastard being in position to do what he’s done over to the Ukrainian people to do with as they please.


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