Media Ignore Trudeau Wrapped in Scandal, Pounce on Netanyahu’s – IOTW Report

Media Ignore Trudeau Wrapped in Scandal, Pounce on Netanyahu’s

Newsbusters: For two days, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been embroiled scandal after former Attorney General Jody Wilson-Raybould testified before the House of Commons Justice Committee that he pressured her to back off a briary investigation into an engineering company. The liberal networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) have kept the scandal off their morning and evening news shows. But on Thursday, CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News pounced on Benjamin Netanyahu’s impending indictment.

Both CBS and NBC ran full reports on the indictment Netanyahu was facing for alleged bribery and corruption. They hyped the fact that the sitting PM was facing reelection in just 40 days. “It does have the makings of a political drama: A sitting prime minister in power for a decade in the midst of a tight re-election campaign,” reported CBS’s Seth Doane.

But Trudeau also found himself facing down a massive administration-threating scandal during an election year. The Canadian PM was in so much danger that it had Politico declaring: “All bets are now off about Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s political survival.

“Until recently, his reelection appeared to be nearly a lock. The latest polls now show him slipping into a tight race — and those surveys don’t even capture the latest influx of damaging detail,” Politico added.  MORE

9 Comments on Media Ignore Trudeau Wrapped in Scandal, Pounce on Netanyahu’s

  1. My last check was $9500 working 12 hours every week on the web. My sisters companion has been averaging 15k throughout recent months and she works around 20 hours per week. I can’t trust how simple it was once I given it a shot. This is my main event, ℂashverity.ℂom

  2. The US networks may be ignoring that scandal but up here it’s front page news. It’s so rare that a scandal of this magnitude is revealed especially by a senior member of cabinet who is essentially calling Pretty Boy Trudeau a liar to his face that the MSM don’t quite know how to bury it. The Conservative Leader has to find himself some real charisma (because alas, skill and leadership don’t count for as much anymore) and this could be the death knell of the Liberal Party for years. He already called on Trudeau to resign and that was unheard of in Canadian politics so the MSM breathlessly covered that.

  3. LOL! Diversity hit him.

    How dare Prety Prime Minister to call a woman minority a liar!?!

    From what I read yesterday he is planning on going to the moon.
    Things are going to be a little crowded over there.


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