Media Ignored Convicted FBI Analyst’s Ties To Islamic Jihadists – IOTW Report

Media Ignored Convicted FBI Analyst’s Ties To Islamic Jihadists

CDM: Last week, U.S. media seized on the June 21 sentencing of former FBI analyst Kendra Kingsbury to 46 months in prison – for storing stolen classified documents in her Kansas City home bathroom – as a foretelling parallel to the prosecution of Donald Trump on similar Espionage Act violation charges.

“Major Blow for Trump as Judge Sends Ex-FBI Analyst…to Four Years in Prison,” trilled a Radar Online headline carried by NBC news online. “FBI Analyst Who Hoarded Classified Docs Like Trump Gets Four years,” went Daily Beast headline.

The lead paragraph in New York Times story characterized the Kingsbury conviction on two Espionage Act violations as “a case that bears parallels to that of former President Donald J. Trump, including the same charge of willful retention of national security secrets,” before going on to note that Kingsbury’s punishment reflects “how seriously the government takes such charges and…how aggressively the Justice Department might pursue its case against Trump.”

But the surgically omitted public facts of the Kingsbury case expose this treatment as biased journalistic malfeasance and far worse. The coverage hurt America by blanketing over the fact that Kingsbury, who never worked in counterterrorism, stole documents related to FBI counterterrorism investigations of violent jihadists, communicated by phone with active terrorism investigation targets, and ran database searches on counterterrorism cases to which she was not assigned. more here

3 Comments on Media Ignored Convicted FBI Analyst’s Ties To Islamic Jihadists

  1. But, but, but, Orange Man bad!!!

    Some days it seems that the constitutional right that needs licensing is that of the press, lest they continue to take license to assassinate the character of good people.

  2. …well, the media ignores the fact that the pedophile in charge of Federal agencies including the FBI is a fraudulently installed illegitimate treasonous globalist puppet too, so…


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