Media: NY’ers Don’t Like Hochul Because She’s a Broad – IOTW Report

Media: NY’ers Don’t Like Hochul Because She’s a Broad

BPR: Gender bias plus likeability issues, rather than competency or lack thereof, could explain why Democrat Kathy Hochul is not running away with the New York governor’s election, according to a Manhattan-based political journalism organization.

The haughty Hochul, an obscure politician who became governor by default when Andrew Cuomo resigned in August 2021, has turned out to be just another woke-worshipping, narcissistic placeholder who has sought to downplay the state’s crime epidemic that goes beyond just New York City, the latter municipality where law and order, in particular, has broken down. more

21 Comments on Media: NY’ers Don’t Like Hochul Because She’s a Broad

  1. Aside from the vicious escalating crime which Kickback Kathy falsely denies occurring, that she is a mega-racist who also promotes open-air illegal drug use especially her targeting of black-brown-ethnic women is malignantly evil. This disgusting KKK-connected Hochul also circulated poster ads with the assist of KKK Joe Biden’s HHS stating and advocating as much. And we know that illegal drug use leads directly to increased violent crime.

  2. “She’s a Broad”


    “Broad” what? “Broad” spectrum poison? A “broad” lack of character? A “broad” approach to tyranny? A “broad” contempt for the poor?

    She’s another stooge of nihilistic totalitarianism – “broadly” un-American – and “broadly” treasonous.

    I know NYers seem to love these vile reprobates, but really? Can’t they wake up even for a day?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. The professional betters of The United States that tell you children must be groomed by trannys, poisoned by pharmacists, and butchered by surgeons (NO! Filth! You DO NOT get to count the butchered BEFORE birth!), tell you that not worshiping wymyn (of ALL genders!) hard enough, makes YOU a bad person.

    You, not merely suffer these witches to live, you nag your neighbors to kneel before them, and throw their wallets…



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