Media promotes Chinese Propaganda – IOTW Report

Media promotes Chinese Propaganda

Patriot Retort: With the spread of Wuhan virus, the so-called Guardians of the TruthTM in the American news media have signed on to Chinese Propaganda.

Because of course they are.

They happily regurgitated Iranian Propaganda after the killing of Qassem Smolderimani.  Did anyone actually believe the American news media would do anything differently now?

China wants nothing more than to distance itself from the spread of this virus that started in China.

And because they’ve never seen foreign propaganda they aren’t willing to parrot, the American news media isn’t hesitating to parrot the Chicom’s talking points about the Wuhan virus.

Besides, if parroting Chinese Propaganda helps bolster their own Orange Man Bad Propaganda, it’s a win/win for them.

See, these guys are super upset because in his Oval Office address last night, President Trump stated the blazingly obvious: this coronavirus strain originated in China.

Outsourcing to China the manufacturing of medical devices, equipment and prescription drugs was a monstrously stupid thing to do.  In fact, the entire global economy is far too dependent on China — something Donald Trump has been warning about since long before he ran for President.

13 Comments on Media promotes Chinese Propaganda

  1. Great job on the panic wildfire.

    It scares me how easily the average American will start filling their garages with TP. What if they knew about all of the real dangers we are being exposed to daily? Lord have mercy!

  2. It is to the advantage of the Deep State to prevent people from getting COVID-19 tested.

    The fear of the unknown and the manipulation of the numbers are at the very heart of controlling the people.

    It’s all about control… and here we are. 1933.
    Wall Street and Bread Lines to make it authentic.

  3. Eliminate the FED. The damage they’re doing – and going to do – to our lives far exceeds the risk of Coronavirus to us Boomers.

    Note: there is one thing our President is wrong about: driving interest rates to zero or negative. There, I said it. Our President isn’t perfect.

    But he’s the only thing we’ve got. Batten down the hatches… the coming economic disaster will eclipse any damage done by the ChiCom Bioweapon.

  4. Just out of curiosity, anybody out there read on Twitter a guy that goes by BigDickAnon? He is not very prolific but he generally has something worth reading. He has some interesting posts on Wuhan, Iran, Italy. If you see a link to him it’s worth looking at.

  5. actually that’s the name I use when I go to ‘Dominos’ for a ‘pizza’ … just love hearing, when I walk through the door … “Hey, Big Dick is here!”

    … “where everybody knows your name”

    cracks me up every time

  6. All joking aside, and the joking is good, he is rumored to be a fairly high profile guy in the defense world. I know I’m not big enough or tough enough to go by BigDickAnon, but I’m thinking this guy might be. Once again, he has good perspective on what’s happening out there. Be sure to check him out if you see a link.


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