Media Push Fake News About FDA Official Supposedly Fired Over Opposing Hydroxychloroquine, Then the Real Story Comes Out – IOTW Report

Media Push Fake News About FDA Official Supposedly Fired Over Opposing Hydroxychloroquine, Then the Real Story Comes Out

a history of insubordination and believing he has more authority than he does


It’s almost like The New York Times is nothing but a partisan gossip rag.

Yesterday, a story was put out by Maggie Haberman that made a rather convenient claim that just so happened to reinforce every media narrative. Namely, that an FDA official named Rick Bright was fired for selflessly sounding the alarm on the supposed vast dangers of hydroxychloroquine.

But, like all stories that appear in the Times and other mainstream outlets, it’s always best to give them a few hours. In this case, it didn’t take long for the real story to start coming out and you’ll be shocked to learn that Haberman’s original piece was completely wrong.

For example, Bright himself requested the FDA give emergency approval for hydroxychloroquine.

Does that sound like someone deeply skeptical of the drug who’s just attempting to stop that dastardly orange man from harming people?

It gets worse, though.

4 Comments on Media Push Fake News About FDA Official Supposedly Fired Over Opposing Hydroxychloroquine, Then the Real Story Comes Out

  1. Shouldn’t Dr. Notso Bright have gotten Protected Whistleblower Status before leaking his story? How is Schiff supposed to work with a guy whose name is everywhere? They’re either trying a new coup scheme, or this guy is a freelance Deep State wannabe to whom they strapped a suicide bomb vest.


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