Media Refuse to Discuss Angel Families, Victims of Illegal Alien Crimes – IOTW Report

Media Refuse to Discuss Angel Families, Victims of Illegal Alien Crimes

Breitbart: Since January 1, neither CNN nor MSNBC has booked a single “Angel Mom” — mothers of children brutally murdered by illegal aliens — as guests on their networks, per an analysis conducted by the Republican National Committee (RNC).

The RNC told Breitbart News it has tracked both networks since the beginning of the year as they intensely bash President Donald Trump over the government shutdown that is now the longest ever in the history of the United States. Since the turn of the year to 2019 from 2018, neither network has conducted a single interview with any family members of victims of illegal alien crimes.

The Angel Moms, or Angel Families, are the surviving family members of those Americans who were tragically killed by illegal aliens. Their plight is a particularly vivid illustration of the effects of unfettered illegal immigration. Had the federal government enforced immigration law and removed the illegal aliens who committed these heinous crimes before they committed them, the crimes never would have happened and their loved ones would presumably still be alive today.

In his Oval Office address to the nation last week, President Donald Trump highlighted just how pervasive illegal immigration crime is in the United States by citing statistics of how many rapes and killings in which illegal aliens have been involved in just the past year.

“In the last two years, ICE officers made 266,000 arrests of aliens with criminal records, including those charged or convicted of 100,000 assaults, 30,000 sex crimes, and 4,000 violent killings,” Trump said in the nationally televised address. “Over the years, thousands of Americans have been brutally killed by those who illegally entered our country, and thousands more lives will be lost if we don’t act right now.”

In their responses, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer did not mention the American citizens who are victims of illegal alien crimes. And Democrats generally have avoided the issue entirely, and the media help them by not covering it or interviewing the parents of loved ones killed by illegal aliens.

President Trump’s eldest son Donald Trump Jr. tweeted at Pelosi over the weekend, asking her why she is refusing to meet with or comment about the Angel Moms.  more here

4 Comments on Media Refuse to Discuss Angel Families, Victims of Illegal Alien Crimes

  1. More proof that democRATs and their knee-pad media simply don’t give-A-shit about Americans!
    It’s all about cultivating a seedy voter base of criminals, drug-addicts, drug dealers, murderers, rapists and pedophiles all simply aspiring to be Clintons…
    Whut could go wrong.


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