Media Screw-Ups, Corrections, and Lies – IOTW Report

Media Screw-Ups, Corrections, and Lies

The Definitive List Of Media Screw-Ups On The Trump-Russia Story.

The major correction issued by NBC Thursday on a story about wiretaps and Michael Cohen was just another reminder of the many media mistakes on the Russian collusion story.

NBC initially claimed that federal investigators were listening in on Cohen’s phone calls, but it turns out they had what’s called a “pen register warrant,” which means they could see who Cohen spoke to on the phone but could not hear what was said.

Unfortunately for the press, the obsession to prove collusion has dampened their journalistic abilities, leading to a seemingly endless list of corrections, retraction, and apologies.

We’ve compiled a list of some of the worst media screwups when it comes to Russia.

1. CNN Accuses Don Jr. Of Wikileaks Collusion

Last December, CNN’s Manu Raju reported that Wikileaks emailed Donald Trump Jr. to give him access to stolen documents a full ten days before they were released to the public.

Unfortunately for CNN, it turns out their sources gave them the wrong date. Don Jr. actually received an email with access to the stolen docs on Sept. 14, 2016, after they had already been released publicly.

2. ABC Tanks Stock Market With Fake Flynn News

ABC was forced to suspend Brian Ross after he falsely reported that former national security adviser Michael Flynn was prepared to testify that then-candidate Donald Trump ordered him to make contact with the Russians.

The stock market dropped a few hundred points at the news — but it turned out to be fake.

MORE @ Daily Caller.

6 Comments on Media Screw-Ups, Corrections, and Lies

  1. The Anti-Trump MSM does this by design.
    They know the smear has lasting impact, but any “correction ” is never seen or soon forgotten. Just as with a jury.

    This latest “Cohen wiretapped” correction may just be the reporter revealing too much of what Team Mueller ordered leaked. Bad optics.

    PDT needs to shut down Rosenstein-Mueller, and immediately indict the entire Mueller team for every one of these Felony leaks over the last year. That one’s a slam dunk. Let Mueller & Co feel the full weight of a rigged system against them.

  2. CNN would like to correct its report that Donald Trump, Jr. is actually Scott Evil, the son of Dr. Evil. The report was based on Mr. Trump, Jr. scratching an itch on his face, which to our reporter seemed like Dr. Evil’s signature move.

    We would like to apologize for this error, but we won’t.

  3. On the rare occasions when I watch a little “news” in the morning before work, they are not “reporting” anything. They are sitting around discussing their own opinions and just making sh*t up. None of it is based on fact.

  4. Mr. Anth Ropy – That’s what we’d like them to do. They’re supposed to do whatever it takes to get attention.
    Media does not equal truth or facts. And they don’t have to. But they have convinced a lot of people that they are with lies and fake news to that end.


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