Media Thinks Lawsuit Against Fox Is Great, Until They Get Owned and Have to Defend Fox – IOTW Report

Media Thinks Lawsuit Against Fox Is Great, Until They Get Owned and Have to Defend Fox


Some in mainstream media cheered when the Washington League For Increased Transparency& Ethics (WASHLITE) filed a lawsuit against Fox News seeking an injunction to prevent Fox from “interfering with reasonable and necessary measures to contain the virus by publishing further false and deceptive content.”

Translation: a leftist organization claiming to care about transparency wants to shut down news or opinion they don’t like. What a way to not have transparency or First Amendment rights for that matter.

Fox is fighting back saying this is a danger to the First Amendment. “Plaintiffs’ position would allow the government to censor not just Fox News but also CNN, CNBC, MSNBC, Bloomberg, ESPN, and every other cable network. That is as dangerous as it is frivolous,” they said in response. more

5 Comments on Media Thinks Lawsuit Against Fox Is Great, Until They Get Owned and Have to Defend Fox

  1. The idiots in the media seem to think they’ll somehow have immunity to all of the dictates that are being bandied about. If any group is ignorant of how “history” works, it’s them.

  2. Be patient folks, eventually today’s journalists will figure out what life is all about. Right now they’re a bit brain addled after 4 years of Journalism School. Most of the fragile snow flakes rely on their mom’s, or their gay Marxist lovers, to bring them to work. The rest ride their bikes, skate boards, or the bus. If you see someone approaching the News Paper’s office and bawling, you can pretty well guess he was beat up by normal kids, got a swirly and a wedgie, and they stole his lunch money.


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