Medical Staff Treating Illegals Immigrants Threatened to Keep Silent – IOTW Report

Medical Staff Treating Illegals Immigrants Threatened to Keep Silent


There has been a great deal of secrecy surrounding the camps where the illegal immigrant children have been housed, and apparently there was a very good reason for that.

Todd Starnes at Fox News reported today that employees at the camps have been threatened with being placed under arrest if they divulge the conditions they have seen there. Some decided to talk to Starnes anyway, and had some terrifying details to share:





11 Comments on Medical Staff Treating Illegals Immigrants Threatened to Keep Silent

  1. Obamugabe Enforcing Opaqueness Through “White House Equities” Denial of FOIA Requests Throughout Regime

    Diktat = White House Equities
    Coverup = White House Equities
    Gag Order = White House Equities
    Denunciation = Violate White House Equity Order
    Show Trial = Violate White House Equity Order
    Gulag Sentence = Violate White House Equity Order

    This is the reason he’s not in jail. The coverup is massive.

  2. “Settle the little bastards in black neighborhoods. See what happens.”

    Dittos to that! Or, send them to San Francisco where it’s a safe haven for illegals.

  3. Ever been to the DMZ? Why isn’t that our border? If some one crosses why don’t we just 49cent solution them? Or at least turn them back? Disease ain’t the on,y thing beating brought in- drugs, mental illness, sex slavery. You know south and Central America have a huge Iranian presence and Iranian influence- guess what they might be bringing over! And recall the basij forces used women, the mentally ill and kids locked arm in arm to walk across land mine fields durring the Iran Iraq war to detonate them so the APCs could travel safely and deposit soldiers.

  4. @JFrank — Thanks for the link. Essentially this WH has constructed at least two layers of protection against public knowledge of WH involvement in any federal agency’s illegal acts — first by their appointments of ideological loyalists to head up those agencies, then by this explicit “White House Equitites” edict that, itself, has been quashed from public view.

    Additionally we know from whistle blowers, the brave people who have come forward and those who remain anonymous “because of fear of reprisal” (your linked article even has one of those about the EPA) that witnesses to several of the WH’s most egresious scandals and would-be scandals have were forced to sign non-disclosure pledges, have been subjected to routine lie detector tests and in other ways tracked and observed to ensure they do not talk about what they know to be true.

    The level of containment of facts and truth about this administration’s activities is immense and underscores the apparent confession of obama’s statement: ““The only people who don’t want to disclose the truth are people with something to hide.”

  5. @Dedwyzl — Hezbollah, Hamas, South & Central America. You said a mouthful!

    Operation Fast and Furious? Just a “botched” program to identify Mexican drug cartel operatives? How about arming terrorist organizations. Far fetched?

    Idiots like Rove talk about the president using these situations for “political” purposes, but no one asks, “What kinds of political purposes?”

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